14th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy

December 7-9, 2006,

Atagawa Heights, Shizuoka, Japan

organized by

Thin Film and Surface Physics Division of Japan Society of Applied Physics

sponsored by

Japan Society of Applied Physics


7-Dec (Thu) 8-Dec (Fri) 9-Dec (Sat)
Registration (12:00-14:00)
Opening (14:00-14:05)
Session 1 (14:05-15:35)
14:05 S1-1s Heinrich AJ (Invited-S)
14:40 S1-2i Aono M (Invited)
15:05 S1-3 Ohara M
15:20 S1-4 Sugimoto Y
Break (15:35-15:50)
Session 2 (15:50-17:10)
15:50 S2-1s Yeom HW (Invited-S)
16:25 S2-2 Gandopadhyay S
16:40 S2-3 Murata Y
16:55 S2-4 Nakazawa Y
Session 3 (17:10-18:10)
Exhibitor's Presentation
Dinner (18:15-19:45)
Session 4 (19:45-21:30)
Poster Presentation
Session 5 (8:00-9:50)
8:00 S5-1s Rief M (Invited-S)
8:35 S5-2 Kageshima M
8:50 S5-3 Watanabe K
9:05 S5-4 Shinozaki Y
9:20 S5-5 Sumitomo K
9:35 S5-6 Okajima T
Break (9:50-10:05)
Session 6 (10:05-11:40)
10:05 S6-1s Hinterdorfer P (Invited-S)
10:40 S6-2 Kawahara T
10:55 S6-3 Kimura K
11:10 S6-4 Kobayashi N
11:25 S6-5 Yamada TK
Lunch (11:40-13:00)
Session 7 (13:00-15:00)
13:00 S7-1s Garcia R (Invited-S)
13:35 S7-2i Muraoka M (Invited)
14:00 S7-3 Sugawara Y
14:15 S7-4 Schuler J
14:30 S7-5 Nishida S
14:45 S7-6 Fujinami S
Break (15:00-15:15)
Session 8 (15:15-18:00)
15:15 S8-1s Kalinin SV (Invited-S)
15:50 S8-2i Kawata S (Invited)
16:15 S8-3 Naruse N
16:30 S8-4 Uemura T
16:45 S8-5 Kim J
17:00 S8-6 Matsumoto T
17:15 S8-7 Terada Y
17:30 S8-8 Ansari ZA
17:45 S8-9 Sawaya S
Banquet (19:00-)
Session 9 (8:00-10:10)
8:00 S9-1i Nishino T (Invited)
8:25 S9-2 Akai-Kasaya M
8:40 S9-3 Fujii S
8:55 S9-4 Suzuki S
9:10 S9-5 Fukidome H
9:25 S9-6 Zhang YF
9:40 S9-7 Sasahara A
9:55 S9-8 Clair S
Break (10:10-10:25)
Session 10 (10:25-12:25)
10:25 S10-1i Hasegawa S (Invited)
10:50 S10-2 Satoh N
11:05 S10-3 Takihara M
11:20 S10-4 Shin H-J
11:35 S10-5 Tanaka R
11:50 S10-6s Zhu C (Invited-S)
Closing (12:25-12:30)
December 7 (Thursday)
12:00-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:05 Opening (H. Shigekawa, M. Yoshimura)
14:05-15:35 Session 1 (Yeom, H.W.)


Atomic-scale magnetism through the eyes of STM

A.J. Heinrich, C.F. Hirjibehedin and C.P. Lutz (IBM Almaden Res. Center)


Nanoscale Electrical Conduction

M. Aono (NIMS)


Single molecule manipulation by vibrational excitation

M. Ohara1,2, Y. Kim1 and M. Kawai1,2 (1RIKEN, 2Univ. of Tokyo)


Single-atom chemical identification using AFM

Y. Sugimoto1, P. Pou2, M. Abe1,3, P. Jelinek4, R. Perez2, S. Morita1 and O. Custance1 (1Osaka Univ., 2Autonoma de Madrid Univ., 3JST PRESTO, 4Academy of Sciences)

15:35-15:50 Break
15:50-17:10 Session 2 (Heinrich, A.)


Quasi-1D physics of atomic wires on Si surfaces

H.W. Yeom (Yonsei Univ.)


Hetero-epitaxy of Ge on Si(110) studied by STM

S. Gangopadhyay, M. Yoshimura and K. Ueda (Toyota Technological Inst.)


Imaging Sidewall Surfaces of an ErSi2 Nanocluster on Si(100) by Scanning Tunneling Microscope with a Metal-coated Carbon Nanotube Tip

Y. Murata, M. Kishida, K. Motoyoshi, S. Honda and M. Katayama (Osaka Univ.)


Gate Control of Electronic Transport in Defective Carbon Nanotubes

Y. Nakazawa1,2, T. Yamamoto1,2 and K. Watanabe1,2 (1Tokyo Univ. of Science, 2CREST-JST)

17:10-18:10 Session 3 (Tomitori, M.) -- Exhibitor's Presentation --


Nanotechnologies by Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies Japan Ltd.


Pencil-type scanning probe microscope for combined instruments



Intoroduction of JEOL's Scanning Probe Microscope



New SPM Products by Veeco 2006

Nihon Veeco K.K.


OLYMPUS Micro Cantilevers since 1991



New Lineup of RIBM SPM products: SXM-Advance, SXM-Basic, NanoLiveVision

Research Institute of Biomolecule Metrology Co., Ltd.


A New SPM Equipment SPM-9600 Model



Introduction of handling products of Tec Corporation

Tec Corporation


AFM cantilever by Tomoe Engineering

Tomoe Engineering Company


Introduction of SPM & SPM-based advanced systems

Toyo Corporation


Ultimate Nanoprobing in UHV: Four independent Scanning Tunneling Microscopes navigated by High Resolution UHV SEM



New SPM products of Unisoku and RHK technology


18:15-19:45 Dinner
19:45-21:30 Session 4 (Takeuchi, O., Nakajima, K.) -- Poster Presentation --
December 8 (Friday)
8:00-9:50 Session 5 (Hinterdorfer, P.)


Mechanics of Protein Folding and Unfolding

M. Rief (Techn. Univ. Germany)


Viscoelastic responses of single biopolymer investigated with magnetically-modulated atomic force microscopy

Y. Nishihara1, T. Chikamoto1, M. Kageshima1,2, Y. Hirata3, T. Inoue3, S. Kimura4, Y. Naitoh1 and Y. Sugawara1 (1Osaka Univ., 2JST-PRESTO, 3National Inst. of Adv. Industrial Sci. and Technol., 4Chiba Univ.)


Non-equilibrium stretching of a single polymer chain

K. Watanabe, N. Ohno, K. Nakajima and T. Nishi (Tokyo Tech)


Optomization of membrane protein attachment to substrate for imaging the conformational changes by atomic force microscopy

Y. Shinozaki1, K. Sumitomo1, K. Inoue2 and K. Torimitsu1 (1NTT BRL, 2Kyushu Univ.)


Atomic force microscopy of the purple membrane suspended over nanoholes

K. Sumitomo1, H. Miyashita1, K. Furukawa1, C. Ramanujan2, H. Nakashima1, M. Kobayashi1, J. F. Ryan2 and K. Torimitsu1 (1NTT BRL, 2Univ. of Oxford)


Nanorheology of living cells investigated by AFM

T. Okajima, M. Tanaka, S. Tsukiyama, T. Kadowaki, S. Yamamoto, M. Shimomura and H. Tokumoto (Hokkaido Univ.)

9:50-10:05 Break
10:05-11:40 Session 6 (Rief, M.)


Single Molecule Recognition Force Microscopy

P. Hinterdorfer (Johannes Kepler University Linz)


Single molecule recognition imaging by frequency shift detection in liquids

T. Kawahara, T. Matsumoto, H. Hokonohara and T. Kawai (ISIR, Osaka Univ.)


Hydration Force Measurements by Frequency Modulation Dynamic Force Microscopy

K.Kimura1, T.Horiuchi1, K.Kobayash2, K.Matsushige1,2 and H.Yamada1,3 (1Kyoto Univ., 2IIC, Kyoto Univ., 3CREST )


High sensitive phase modulation atomic force microscopy with Q-control technique

N. Kobayashi1, Y. J . Li1,2, Y. Naitoh1,2, M. Kageshima1,2 and Y. Sugawara1,2 (1Osaka Univ., 2CREST-JST)


AFM study of α-helix-forming peptides

G. Aoki, T.K. Yamada, S. Kojima and T. Mizoguchi (Gakushuin Univ.)

11:40-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Session 7 (Kalinin, S.V.)


Nanofabrication, Nanomechanics and Compositional Mapping in Force Microscopy

R. Garcia (Instituto de Microelectronica de Madrid, CSIC)


Linear and nonlinear contact resonance in atomic force acoustic microscopy

M. Muraoka (Akita Univ.)


The Origin of Anomalous Dissipation Contrast on Si(001) Surface Observed with NC-AFM at 5K

Y. Sugawara, H. Nomura, Y. Naitoh and M. Kageshima (Osaka Univ.)


Atomic resolution AFM on NaCl at 5 K using the QPlus sensor

M. Maier, A. Bettac, J. Schuler, M. Wittmann and A. Feltz (Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH)


Atomic resolution frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid

S. Nishida1, D. Kobayashi1, T. Sakurada2 and H. Kawakatsu2 (1JST, 2IIS, Univ. of Tokyo)


Dynamic Response of Force-modulation Method on Polymer Surfaces

S. Fujinami, K. Nakajima and T. Nishi (Tokyo Tech)

15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-18:00 Session 8 (Garcia, R.)


Electromechanics on the nanoscale: A new dimension in Scanning Probe Microscopy

S.V. Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


Tip-pressurized Near-Field Raman Microscopy

S. Kawata1,2 (1Osaka Univ., 2RIKEN)


Fourier transform photo-absorption spectroscopy by detecting scanning tunneling microscope current

N. Naruse1,2, Y. Mera1,2, Y. Nakamura1,2, M. Ichikawa1,2 and K. Maeda1,2 (1Univ of Tokyo, 2CREST-JST)


Plasmon-enhanced forbidden fluorescence from phthalocyanine molecules induced by a scanning tunneling microscope

T. Uemura1,2, T. Nakano1, M. Akai-Kasaya1,3, A. Saito1,4,5, M. Aono2,4 and Y. Kuwahara1,4,5 (1Osaka Univ., 2Nano System Functionality Center, NIMS, 3PRESTO, JST, 4ICORP, JST, 5Harima Inst., RIKEN)


Optical characterization of single polymer nanotubes using

D. C. Kim1, R. Kim1, D. H. Park2, J. Joo2 and J. Kim1 (1Univ. of Incheon, 2Korea Univ.)


Time-resolved electrostatic force detection

T. Matsumoto1,2 and T. Kawai1,2 (1ISIR, Osaka University, 2CREST-JST)


Ultrafast carrier dynamics in optically excited semiconductors probed by time-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy

Y. Terada, M. Aoyama, H. Kondo, N. Ebisawa, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Univ. of Tsukuba, CREST-JST)


Modification of an AFM Si tip by Pt sputtering and its characterization

Z.A. Ansari1, T. Arai2 and M. Tomitori1 (1JAIST, 2Univ. of Tsukuba, PRESTO-JST)


Mechanical Vibration Properties of Cantilevered Carbon Nanotubes

S. Sawaya1, Y. Nakayama1,2,3 and S. Akita1,3 (1Osaka Pref. Univ., 2Osaka Univ. , 3CREST-JST )

19:00- Banquet
December 9 (Saturday)
8:00-10:10 Session 9 (Okajima, T.)


Molecular Tips for "Intermolecular Tunneling Microscopy"

T. Nishino, T. Ohshiro and Y. Umezawa (Univ. of Tokyo)


Electrical Transport through Polydiacetylene Wires Using Nanogap Flat Electrodes

M. Akai-Kasaya1,2, N. Ogami2, A. Saito2, M. Aono3 and Y. Kuwahara2 (1PREST-JST, 2Osaka Univ., 3NIMS)


Conductance and force in single molecular junctions of p-phenylene derivatives

S. Fujii and M. Fujihira (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)


Acquisition of a Peak Signal with a High S/N ratio during XANAM measurement

S. Suzuki1,4, M. Nakamura2, K. Kinoshita2, Y. Koike3, K. Fujikawa2, W.-J. Chun1,4, M. Nomura3 and K. Asakura1 (1CRC Hokkaido-Univ., 2Hokkaido Univ., 3PF-KEK, 4CREST-JST)


Control of Self-Assembly of Fullerene Programmed by Direct Thiolation and Substrate Interaction

H. Fukidome, M. Yoshimura, K. Ueda, M. Sekido and M. Ohon (Nano High-Tech Res. Center, Toyota Technol. Inst.)


Manipulation of BDA molecules deposited on Au(111) surface by tunneling electron injection

Y.F. Zhang1, T. Osada1, N. Zhu1, Y. Sainoo1,2 and T. Komeda1,2 (1IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 2JST-CREST)


SPM analysis of individual dye molecules on TiO2(110)

A. Sasahara1,2, M. Ikeda2, N. Koide3, L. Han3 and H. Onishi2 (1JST, 2Kobe Univ., 3Sharp Corp.)


Single wall carbon nanotubes at metal surfaces

S. Clair, Y. Kim and M. Kawai (RIKEN)

10:10-10:25 Break
10:25-12:25 Session 10 (Kobayashi, K.)


Multi-probe SPM, Present and Future

S. Hasegawa (Univ. of Tokyo)


Multi-probe atomic force microscopy using piezoelectric cantilevers

N. Satoh1, E. Tsunemi1, K. Kobayashi2, S. Watanabe3, T. Fujii3, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1,4 (1Kyoto Univ., 2Kyoto Univ(IIC)., 3Nikon Corporations, 4CREST/JST)


Photovoltage Mapping on Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells by KFM with Piezo-resistive Cantilever

M. Takihara1, T. Igarashi1, T. Ujihara2 and T. Takahashi1 (1Univ. of Tokyo, 2Nagoya Univ.)


Electronic Structure of Fe nanodots on MgO thin film

H.-J. Shin, S.H. Kim, H.J. Yang and Y. Kuk (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)


Probing the electronic characteristics of single bionanodot

R. Tanaka1, A. Miura1, Y. Uraoka1, T. Fuyuki1 and I. Yamashita1,2 (1NAIST, 2ATRL Matsushita Electric)


Structural bases of catch bonds

C. Zhu (Georgia Inst. of Technology)

12:25-12:30 Closing
December 7 (Thursday)
20:00-21:30 Session 4 -- Poster Session --


Ab initio Green's function study on NMR-STM simulation of hydrogen molecular junction

T. Tada1,2 and S. Watanabe1,2 (1Univ. of Tokyo, 2CREST-JST )


Loop Thermal Current in Graphitic Ribbons with Structural Defects

M. Morooka1,2, T. Yamamoto1,2 and K. Watanabe1,2 (1Tokyo Univ. of Science, 2CREST-JST )


Subsurface imaging using complementary media

K. Kobayashi (Ochanomizu Univ.)


Nc-AFM and STM simulations of H-terminated Si(001) surfaces

A. Masago1, S. Watanabe1, K. Tagami2 and M. Tsukada2 (1Univ. Tokyo, 2Waseda Univ.)


STM simulation for B- and P-doped Si(111) surfaces

M. Hirayama, J. Nakamura and A. Natori (UEC)


Steady-state adsorption of hydrogen on Si(111)-7x7 surface

Y. Iwadate1, S. Heike2, M. Fujimori2 and T. Hashizume1,2 (1Tokyo Inst. of Technology, 2ARL, Hitachi, Ltd. )


Metastable Phase of Si(110) Surface: 5~8 reconstruction

Y. Ohira, M. Yoshimura and K. Ueda (Toyota Technological Inst.)


Initial Oxidation Process of Si(110)-g16~2h Surface

Y. Ohira, M. Yoshimura and K. Ueda (Toyota Technological Inst.)


Growth of Germanium on hydrogen-terminated Si(113) surface

M. Yoshimura, K. Mamiya and K. Ueda (Toyota Technological Inst.)


Tip-induced diffusion at the Ge(111)-c(2x8) surface

A Ohiso1, K Mizuta1, M Hiragaki1, Y Sugimoto1, M Abe1,2 and S Morita1 (1Osaka@Univ., 2JST PRESTO)


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Pd Adsorption on Pt(111)

E. Narihiro1, K. Umezawa1, Y. Ohira2 and M. Yoshimura2 (1Osaka Prefecture Univ., 2Toyota Technological Inst.)


Hydrogen adsorption on a Fe monolayer grown on Ni(111) investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy

B. An, S. Fukuyama and K. Yokogawa (AIST)


Surface electronic structures of c(3√2×√2)R45˚-C/Cr(001) thin film surfaces studied by STM/STS

H. Oka, A. Nakai and K. Sueoka (Hokkaido Univ.)


Ultrahigh Vacuum Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscope Observation of Surface Structure and Grain Size Changes of Ge2Sb2Te5 Films by Annealing Effect

M. Asai, A. Miyachi, Y. Yin, H. Sone and S. Hosaka (Gunma-Univ.)


Formation of In nanowires realized on Si(113) Surface

M. Xu, A. Okada, S. Yoshida, K. Kanazawa, K. Hayashi, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (21st Century COE, CREST-JST, Univ. of Tsukuba)


Au induced nanowire on Si(110) studied by STM

M. Tanaka, M. Yoshimura and K. Ueda (Toyota Technological Institute.)


Observation of carbon nanowire-like structures formed on HOPG substrate

X.L. Guo and D. Fujita (ANCC, NIMS )


Direct Growth of Single Carbon Nanofiber onto W tip induced by Ion Irradiation

J. Tanaka1, M. Kitazawa1,2, M. Tanemura1 and R. Ohta2 (1Nagoya Inst. Technol., 2Olympus Co. Ltd.)


Interaction between single wall carbon nanotubes and organic molecules on metal surfaces

S. Clair, C. Rabot, Y. Kim and M. Kawai (RIKEN)


STM Observation of Titanium-Carbide Metallofullerenes

N. Fukui1, H. Moribe1, H. Umemoto1, T. Sugai1, Y. Suwa2 , S. Heike2 , M. Fujimori2, T. Hashizume2,3 and H. Shinohara1,4,5 (1Nagoya Univ., 2ARL, Hitachi.Ltd, 3Tokyo Inst. of Technology, 4IAR Nagoya Univ., 5CREST/JST)


STM/STS Observation of Td-symmetric Metallofullerene: Lu2@C76

K. Ohashi1, N. Fukui1, H. Umemoto1, T. Sugai1,2 and H. Shinohara1,2,3 (1Nagoya Univ., 2IAR Nagoya Univ., 3JST/CREST )


STM observation of nanographene on Pt(111)

M. Yamamoto, S. Entani, S. Ikeda and K. Saiki (Univ. of Tokyo )


Surface structures of activated carbon fibers characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy

B. An1, Z. Lin1, S. Fukuyama1, K. Yokogawa1, S. Lim2, S-H. Yoon2 and I. Mochida2 (1AIST, 2Kyushu Univ.)


STM-BH Imaging of S atoms on Au(111) in Their Different Charge States

Y. Miyawaki1, S. Kurokawa2 and A. Sakai2 (1Kyoto University, 2IIC, Kyoto University)


Local Barrier Height measurements on p-type GaAs(110) surfaces

K. Kobayasi1, S. Kurokawa2 and A. Sakai2 (1Kyoto Univ., 2IIC, Kyoto Univ.)


Local tunneling barrier height (LBH) observations on Ni3Al(111)

M. Saida, S. Ogata and M. Sasaki (Univ. of Tsukuba)


Surface Potential difference of Biomineralized Inorganic nanodot by KFM

S-I. Yamamoto1, Y. Uraoka2, T. Fuyuki2, M. Okuda3 and I. Yamashita3 (1KCCT, 2NAIST, 3PANASONIC)


Local polarized domains of ferroelectric materials investigated by Kelvin probe force microscopy

A. Nakai1, N. Satoh1, K. Kobayashi2, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1,3 (1Kyoto Univ., 2IIC, Kyoto Univ., 3CREST JST)


Surface potential measurement of α-sexithiophene by Kelvin probe force microscopy utilizing frequency modulation detection method

N. Satoh1, K. Kaisei1, K. Kobayashi2, S. Watanabe3, T. Fujii3, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1,4 (1Kyoto Univ., 2Kyoto Univ(IIC)., 3Nikon Corporations, 4CREST/JST )


Dynamic KFM/EFM Detecting a Potential by Frequency Shift with Amplitude Feedback

A. Takagi1, F. Yamada2, T. Matsumoto1,2 and T. Kawai2 (1JST-CREST, 2ISIR, Osaka University)


KFM measurement without bias-voltage feedback

O. Takeuchi, Y. Ohrai, S. Yoshida and H. Shigekawa (CREST, 21st COE, Univ. of Tsukuba, )


Investigation of organic field-effect transistors using Kelvin probe force microscopy

S. Heike and T. Hashizume (ARL, Hitachi Ltd.)


Near field photoluminescence investigations of InGaN/GaN quantum wells grown on freestanding GaN substrate

M.S. Jeong1, O.H. Cha1, J.S. Kim1, C.C. Byeon1, D.-K. Ko1, J. Lee1, C.-H. Hong2 and E.-K. Suh2 (1Advanced Photonics Research Inst., GIST, 2Chonbuk National Univ.)


Nanoscale carrier flow in an operating GaAs p-n junction imaged by Light-Modulated Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

S. Yoshida, Y. Kanitani, R. Oshima, Y. Okada, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (CREST, 21st COE, Univ. of Tsukuba, )


Local Measurements of Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

M. Takihara1, T. Ujihara2 and T. Takahashi1 (1Univ. of Tokyo, 2Nagoya Univ. )


Ultrafast photo-induced carrier dynamics observed by pulse-pair excited scanning tunneling microscopy

M. Aoyama, H. Kondo, N. Ebisawa, Y. Terada, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Tsukuba-Univ.)


Development of fiber-coupled polarized SNOM

T. Igarashi1, T. Tadokoro2, K. Nakajima1 and T. Nishi1 (1Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2Techno synergy)


SQUID Probe Microscope Combined with Scanning Tunneling Microscope

M. Tachiki1, T. Hayashi1,2 and H. Itozaki1,3 (1National Inst. for Materials Science, 2Sendai National College of Technology, 3Osaka Univ.)


The effect of polarization direction on the electrical field distribution at near-field of a tip-on-aperture NSOM probe

J.-B. Kim1, S.-J. Na1 and W.-S. Chang2 (1Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology, 2Korea Inst. of Machinery and Materials)


Fabrication of cantilevered tip-on-aperture probe for enhancing of the resolution of scanning near-field optical microscopy

W.-S. Chang1 and M.-S. Jeong2 (1Korea Inst. of Machinery and Mateirlas, 2Advanced Photonic Res. Inst.)


Development of an Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscope with digital PLL and AGC

K. Nakamoto1, Y. Imashige1, H. Uchiumi1, K. Yonei1, S. Kitamura1, T. Tsuji2 and K. Yamanaka2 (1JEOL Ltd., 2Tohoku-Univ.)


Functional AFM using self-detective Cantilever

Y. Miyatake, Y. Yamamoto, T. Sasaki, K. Ishikawa, H. Mizuno and T. Nagamura (UNISOKU Co.,Ltd.)


Electromechanical Imaging and Polarization Switching of Ferroelectric Materials in a Liquid Environment: Ultrahigh Resolution and Novel Physics

B.J. Rodriguez, S. Jesse, A. Baddorf and S.V. Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


The Hunt for a Snark: Spatially Resolved Imaging of Nucleation Centers in Ferroelectrics

S. Jesse, B.J. Rodriguez and S.V. Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


Does it Always Have to be a Sine? Band Excitation Method and Energy Dissipation Measurements by SPM

Stephen Jesse and Sergei V. Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


The AFM Tweezers System : Creation of a New Class of Atomic Force Microscope

K. Ayano1, K. Nakagawa2, T. Takekawa1, T. Konno3, T. Kobayashi3, M. Yasutake4, T. Umemoto4 and G. Hashiguchi1 (1Kagawa Univ, 2Tokyo Univ, 3AOI ELEC-CO.,LTD, 4SII NT Inc.)


Development of a High-speed Atomic force Microscope (AFM)

Y. J. Li1,2 , N. Kobayashi1 , H. Nomura1, Y. Naitoh1,2, M. Kageshima1,2 and Y. Sugawara1,2 (1Osaka Univ., 2CREST, JST)


Reduction of frequency noise in frequency modulation AFM in liquid environment

T. Horiuchi1, K. Kimura1, K. Kobayashi2, Y. Hirata3, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1 (1Kyoto Univ, 2IIC Kyoto Univ, 3AIST )


Towards AFM in TEM using optical fiber-less Laser Doppler velocimetry

T. Sakurada1, K. Nakagawa1, Y. Hoshi1, S. Meguro2, O. Takano2 and H. Kawakatsu1 (1IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2Neoark Corporation)


2D comparison between heterodyne laser interferometer and crystal periodicity observed by friction force micsoscopy

Y. Hoshi and H. Kawakatsu (IIS, Univ. of Tokyo)


Phase-Locked Forced-Oscillation AFM Controller

D. Kobayashi1, S. Nishida1 and H. Kawakatsu2 (1JST, 2IIS Univ. of Tokyo)


Electric conductance through a point contact between a Si tip and a Si surface

T. Arai1,2 and M. Tomitori3 (1Univ. Tsukuba, 2SORST, JST, 3JAIST )


Local conductance imaging of nanomaterials on insulator using an integrated nanogap probe

M. Nagase and H. Yamaguchi (NTT BRL)


Monitoring conditions of cantilever and control during conducting atomic force microscopy spectroscopy measurements

T. Oohira and A. Ando (AIST )


Development of multi-probe AFM with optical beam deflection method

E. Tsunemi1, N. Satoh1, K. Kobayashi2, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1,3 (1Kyoto Univ., 2IIC Kyoto Univ., 3CREST/JST)


Molecular-resolution imaging using 2nd-resonance frequency modulation atomic force microscopy with optical beam deflection system

T. Ichii1, K. Kobayashi2, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1 (1Kyoto Univ., 2IIC, Kyoto Univ.)


Atomic resolution frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid using photothermal excitation and laser Doppler velocimetry

S. Nishida1, D. Kobayashi1, T. Sakurada2 and H. Kawakatsu2 (1JST, 2IIS, Univ. of Tokyo)


Dissipative force modulation Kelvin probe force microscopy applying doubled frequency ac bias voltage

H. Nomura, K. Kawasaki, T. Chikamoto, Y. Naitoh, M. Kageshima and Y. Sugawara (Osaka-Univ.)


Single-crystal nano-wire cantilevers for scannig force microscopy

K. Nakagawa1, T. Sakurada1, D. Kobayashi1, D. Saya2, G. Hashiguchi3 and H. Kawakatsu1 (1IIS, 2LAAS-CNRS, 3Kagawa-Univ)


Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Tips for Scanning Probe Microscopy through the Preparation of Catalyst by Arc Plasma Deposition

Y. Matsuura, C.-C. Chiu, M. Yoshimura and K. Ueda (Toyota Technological Inst.)


Electric properties of single carbon nanofibers grown on tips of scanning probe microscope by ion irradiation

M. Kitazawa1,2, R. Ohta1, J. Tanaka2 and M. Tanemura2 (1Olympus Co.Ltd., 2NIT)


Nanometer-scale deposition of photo-curing resin using a nanopipette probe microscope and near-field optical illumination

Y. Ushiro, A. Sasaki and F. Iwata (Shizuoka Univ.)


Mechanism of electric field induced deposition of In nano-dots with the Nano-Jet Probe

S. Ohkouchi1,2, Y. Sugimoto1,3, N. Ozaki3, H. Ishikawa1 and K. Asakawa3 (1AIST, 2NEC Corp., 3Univ. of Tsukuba)


Fabrication of periodic nano-holes on GaAs substrate by using AFM tip assisted oxidation and chemical wet etching

J.S. Kim, M.S. Jeong, C.C. Byeon, D.-K. Ko and J. Lee (Advanced Photonics Research Inst., GIST)


AFM based atomic manipulation at room temperature

Y. Sugimoto1, M. Abe1,2, O. Custance1 and S. Morita1 (1Osaka Univ., 2JST PRESTO)


Research on Fine Structures and Mechanical Properties of Human Hair by Atomic Force Microscope

H. Kitano1,2, A. Yamamoto1, M. Niwa1, S. Fujinami2, K. Nakajima2, T. Nishi2 and S. Naito3 (1Hoyu Co.,Ltd., 2Tokyo Inst. of Technology, 3KEK)


Single Molecular Anatomy of Host-guest Chemistry Based on Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Cyclodextrin-ferrocene Molecular Interaction

S. Yasuda1, Y. Okutsu2, I. Suzuki3, K. Shinohara4, O. Takeuchi2 and H. Shigekawa2 (1AIST, 2Univ. of Tsukuba, 3Tohoku Univ., 4JAIST)


Visualization of stretch-induced intracellular tensional response of single fibroblasts by mechanical-SPM

K. Tamura, T. Mizutani, H. Haga and K. Kawabata (Hokkaido Univ.)


Elastic properties of gels and living cells measured by colloidal probe AFM

T. Kadowaki1, T. Okajima1, X.M. Tao2 and H. Tokumoto1 (1Hokkaido Univ., 2Zhejiang Univ.)


Frequency Sweep Method Using Piezo-Resistive Cantilever for Femto-Gram Biosensor

K. Takeda1 , H. Sone1, H. Okano2 and S. Hosaka1 (1Gunma-Univ., 2Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co. Ltd.)


Supported planar membranes made from cyclic lipids

M. Shibakami, R. Goto and M. Nakamura (AIST)


Application of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy to Identification of Pheromone Molecules of Insects

K. Kawazu1, K. Nakajima1, M. Hara1, T. Ando2, Y. Ishikawa3 and S. Tatsuki3 (1Tokyo Inst Tech, 2Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, 3Univ of Tokyo)


Supramolecular π-Conjugated Polyrotaxane

K. Shinohara and T. Kitami (JAIST)


STM-induced photoemission spectroscopy on rubrene thin films - Does surface plasmon play an essential role for photoemission? -

A. Okada1,2,3, K. Kanazawa1,2,3, M. Berthe1,2,3, K. Hayashi1,2,3, N. Okawa1,2,3, O. Takeuchi1,2,3 and H. Shigekawa1,2,3 (121th Century COE, 2CREST-JST, 3Univ. of Tsukuba)


STM/STS on the standing wave of anisotropic dispersion relations observed for self-assembled glycine monolayers on Cu(100)

K. Kanazawa1,2,3, Y. Konishi1,2,3, Y. Sainoo4, S. Yoshida1,2,3, O. Takeuchi1,2,3 and H. Shigekawa1,2,3 (1Univ. of Tsukuba, 221st Century COE, 3CREST, 4IMRAM Tohoku Univ.)


Scanning capacitance microscopy for alkylsilane monolayer covered-Si substrates patterned by scanning probe lithography

J. Han1, K-H Lee2, S. Fujii1, H. Sano1, Y. J. Kim1, T. Ichii1, K. Murase1 and H. Sugimura1 (1Kyoto Univ., 2Research Inst. of Industrial Science & Technology)


DNA-based assembly of Au nanoparticles on TiO2 powder

Y. Maeda, T. Akita and T. Fujitani (AIST)


Evaluation of Hydrophilicity and Stability of the Silicon Wafer Surface by Force Spectroscopy

J. Jung, I. Kim, B. Hong and B. Lee (Siltron Inc.)


Quantitative measurement of viscoelastic property with Scanning Probe Microscopy

M. Ohta1, T. Ito1, T. Marui1, A. Kogure2, M. Matsuda1 and R. Kokawa1 (1Shimadzu Corp., 2Shimadzu AMC )


Interfacial Structure of Carbon Nanotube/Elastomer Composites Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy

A. Niikura, K. Nakajima, S. Fujinami, S. Nagai and T. Nishi (TOKYO Tech)


Temperature-dependence of Polymer Chain Conformation

N. Ohno, K. Watanabe, K. Nakajima and T. Nishi (Tokyo Tech)


Interim Report on Dynamic Nanofishing -from Forced Oscillation to Noise Analysis-

K. Nakajima, K. Watanabe, N. Ohno and T. Nishi (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)


Simultaneous quantification of elastic and adhesive interactions realized by AFM

S. Nagai, S. Fujinami, K. Nakajima and T. Nishi (Tokyo Tech)


Energy Dissipation at an Ultrasonically Oscillating Super-Hydrophobic Surface in Various Liquids

T. Kobayashi1, M. Fujita2 and M. Fujihira1 (1Tokyo Tech, 2Fujifilm )


Mechanism of velocity saturation of atomic friction force and the dynamic superlubricity at torsional resonance

M. Igarashi, J. Nakamura and A. Natori (UEC)


Atomic-resolution Imaging in Liquid by Amplitude Detection Dynamic-mode AFM

S. Kitamura1, Y. Takeda1, Y. Imashige1 and H. Yamada2 (1JEOL Ltd., 2Kyoto Univ.)


Spatial fluctuation in the quality of ultrathin SiO2 films observed by conducting atomic force microscope

A. Ando, T. Oohira and Y. Naitou (NeRI, AIST)


Spatial variation of thickness of ultrathin SiO2 films observed by scanning capacitance microscopy

Y. Naitou1, A. Ando1, H. Ogiso2, S. Kamohara3, F. Yano3 and A. Nishida3 (1NRI, AIST, 2AMRI, AIST, 3MIRAI-Selete, Inc)