17th International Colloquium
on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM17)

ICSPM17 Conference Program


Dec 10 Thu

Registration (12:00-14:00)

Wellcome address (H. Shigekawa and M. Yoshimura) (14:00-14:05)

Session 1 : Atomic Control (H. Onishi)

14:05 S1-1 (S-INVITE)  
Imaging the Quantum Berry Phase
H. Manoharan (Stanford Univ.)
14:45 S1-2  
Switching Time of an Electrochemically Controlled Silver Atomic Switch
A. Nayak, K. Terabe, T. Tsuruoka, T. Hasegawa and M. Aono (WPI Center for MANA, NIMS, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan)
15:00 S1-3  
Lateral Manipulation of Cu Atoms and 2D Force Spectroscopy on Cu(110)-O Surface with Low Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
Y. Kinoshita, T. Satoh, Y.J. Li, Y. Naitoh, M. Kageshima and Y. Sugawara (Osaka Univ.)
15:15 S1-4  
Molecular Motion of Surface-Immobilized Double-Decker Phthalocyanine Complexes Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
K. Miyake1, M. Sasou1, Y. Hori2, T. Ikeda3, M. Asakawa4 and T. Shimizu4 (1Advanced Manufacturing Research Inst., AIST, 2Oita Industrial Research Inst., 3Natl. Inst. for Materials Science, 4Nanotube Research Center, AIST)

Coffee break (15:30-15:50)

Session 2 : Electrons (K. Miyake)

15:50 S2-1 (INVITE)  
Partial sequencing of a single DNA molecule with a scanning tunnelling microscope
H. Tanaka1,2 and T. Kawai1 (1ISIR-sanken, Osaka Univ., 2PRESTO, JST)
16:20 S2-2  
Investigations of Local Electrical Properties of Pentacene Thin Films by Dual-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy
M. Hirose1, E. Tsunemi1, K. Kobayashi2, H. Yamada1 and K. Matsushige1 (1Dept. of Electronic Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ.)
16:35 S2-3  
Silicon based single molecular junction fabricated by STM point contact method
S. Yoshida1, K. Ishii1, T. Nakamura2, O. Takeuchi1 and H. Shigekawa1 (1Univ of Tsukuba, 2NRI, AIST)

Session 3 : Exhibitor's presentation(17:05-17:40) (O. Takeuchi)

16:50 S3-1  UNISOKU Co.,Ltd.
UHV LT Multi-Probe SPM system
16:55 S3-2  Tec Corporation
Introduction of the Nanonis SPM Controller and the SPECS JT-SPM UHV System
Introduction of new concept cantilever
17:05 S3-4  FUJI IMVAC, INC.
Pencil-type scanning probe microscope for combined instuments
17:10 S3-5  Omicron NanoTechnology Japan Inc.
Application by using low temperature SPM with QPlus sensor.
17:15 S3-6  JEOL Ltd.
Introduction of JEOL SPM's
17:20 S3-7  Asylum Technology
Cypher AFM: Ultra lower noise performance enough to visualize 'true' atoms in Tapping mode
A New SPM Equipment and Its Related Technique
17:30 S3-9  Tomoe Engineering Co.,Ltd
MultiProbe NSOM/SPM system and Cantilevers
17:35 S3-10  Shoshin Em Corporation
Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope

Break (17:40-18:00)

Dinner (18:00-19:30)

Session 4 : Poster session (19:30-21:30) (K. Kobayashi)

Dec 11 Fri

Breakfast (07:00-09:00)

Session 5 : AFM (Y.E. Korchev)

09:00 S5-1 (S-INVITE)  
AFM of nanoscale confined liquid : the interplay between molecular order, squeeze-out and dissipation
N. Gosvami1, W. Hofbauer2 and S. O'Shea2 (1Leibniz-Institut fur Neue Materialien, 2IMRE, Singapore)
09:40 S5-2  
Step-Response Measurement with Magnetically-Driven AFM Cantilever
M. Kageshima, T. Ogawa, S. Kurachi, Y. Naitoh, Y.J. Li and Y. Sugawara (Dept. of Applied Physics, Osaka Univ.)
09:55 S5-3  
Development of Multifrequency High-speed CA-PM-AFM in Liquids
Y.J. Li1,2, K. Takahashi1, N. Kobayashi1, Y. Naitoh1,2, M. Kageshima1,2 and Y. Sugawara1,2 (1Dept. of Applied Physics, Osaka Univ., 2CREST Japan, 3)
10:10 S5-4  
Deposition of ultrasmall glycerol droplets by nano-inkjet printing method
K. Kaisei1, K. Kobayashi2, H. Yamada1 and K. Matsushige1 (1Dept. of Electronic Sci. and Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ.)
10:25 S5-5  
Nanomechanical Mapping of Block Copolymers with Atomic Force Microscopy Force Measurement
D. Wang, S. Fujinami, K. Nakajima and T. Nishi (WPI Advanced Inst. for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ.)

Coffee break (10:40-11:00)

Session 6 : Spin (H. Manoharan)

11:00 S6-1 (S-INVITE)  
Spin pumping in atomic scale magnetic structures
S. Loth (IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA)
11:40 S6-2  
Detection and Manipulation of Spin state of Single Molecule Magnet: Kondo resonance and ESR-STM
T. Komeda1, H. Isshiki1, Y.F. Zhang1, K. Katoh2, Y. Yoshida2, M. Yamashita2, H. Miyasaka2 and B.K. Breedlove2 (1IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 2Tohoku Univ., Dep. Chemistry)
11:55 S6-3  
Spin Polarization Vectors of Field Emitted Electrons from Fe/W Tips
T. Irisawa1,2, T.K. Yamada1,3 and T. Mizoguchi1 (1Gakushuin Univ., 2SHOWA DENKO HD YAMAGATA K.K, 3Univ. Karlsruhe)

Lunch (12:10-13:15)

Conference Photo (13:15-13:30)

Get together at the pool-side with your best smile!

Session 7 : Biological 1 (S. O'Shea)

13:30 S7-1 (S-INVITE)  
Mechanical response of biomolecules probed by microsecond force spectroscopy
O. Sahin (Rowland Inst. at Harvard, Harvard Univ.)
14:10 S7-2  
Imaging in Liquid with Torsion Resonance Mode Atomic Force Microscopy
I.-S. Hwang and C.-W. Yang (Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica)
14:25 S7-3  
Distribution of Water Molecules Adjacent to Biological Membranes Visualized by Three-Dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy
H. Asakawa1, K. Nishimura1, S. Yoshioka1 and T. Fukuma1,2 (1Kanazawa Univ., 2PRESTO)
14:40 S7-4  
AFM observation of membrane proteins suspended over nanoscale well
Y. Shinozaki, K. Sumitomo, K. Furukawa, H. Miyashita, Y. Tamba, N. Kasai, H. Nakashima and K. Torimitsu (NTT Basic Research Laboratories)

Coffee break (14:55-15:15)

Session 8 : Optical and Other Methods (S. Loth)

15:15 S8-1 (INVITE)  
Synchrotron Radiation-assisted Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for Nanometer Scale Chemical Analysis
T. Okuda1, T. Eguchi2, K. Akiyama3, T. Kinoshita4, Y. Hasegawa2, M. Kawamori5, Y. Haruyama5 and S. Matsui5 (1HSRC, Hiroshima Univ., 2ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, 3WPI, Tohoku Univ., 4JASRI, 5Univ. Hyogo)
15:45 S8-2  
Grain Boundary Characteristics of Cu(InGa)Se2 Solar Cells Studied by Photoassisted Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
M. Takihara1, T. Minemoto3, Y. Wakisaka3 and T. Takahashi1,2 (1IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2INQIE, Univ. of Tokyo, 3Ritsumeikan Univ.)
16:00 S8-3  
Nonradiative Recombination Property around Grain Boundary in Multicrystalline Silicon Materials Studied by Photothermal Measurements in AFM
K. Hara1 and T. Takahashi1,2 (1IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2INQIE, Univ of Tokyo)
16:15 S8-4 (INVITE)  
Scanning electrometer based on quantum electronic devices: Mapping of electric potential and its fluctuation
Y. Kawano (RIKEN)
16:45 S8-5  
Electrostatic Force Microscopy /Spectroscopy on Insulating Substrates: Effect of Capacitive Interactions in Vacuum and Water
T. Matsumoto1, M. Kawano1, A. Takagi1,3, F. Yamada1, E.M.- Satoh1,2 and T. Kawai1 (1ISIR, Osaka Univ., 2Hyogo Health Science Univ., 3RIKEN)

Break (17:00-18:00)

Banquet (18:00-21:00)

Dec 12 Sat

Breakfast (07:00-09:00)

Session 9 : Biological 2 (O. Sahin)

09:00 S9-1 (S-INVITE)  
Beyond the Optical Resolution in Living Cell: Biomedical Applications of Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy
Y. Korchev (Imperial College London, Medicine,London W12 0NN, UK)
09:40 S9-2  
Quantitative Mechanical Mapping with Single Molecule Resolution
C. Su (Veeco Instruments)
09:55 S9-3  
Direct Detection of Tension Recovery after Stretching a Single Cell
T.W. Nakayama1, S. Machida1, I. Harada1, H. Sekiguchi2, R. Afrin1 and A. Ikai3 (1Biosci. and Biotech., Tokyo Tech., 2Frontier Sci., The Univ. Tokyo, 3Innovation Lab., Tokyo Tech.)
10:10 S9-4  
Direct Manipulation of Intracellular Structure Using Fabricated AFM Cantilever
S. Machida1,2, T.W. Nakayama1, I. Harada1, R. Afrin1, T. Nakayama2,3 and A. Ikai1 (1Tokyo Tech, 2NIMS, 3Univ. of Tsukuba)

Coffee break (10:25-10:45)

Session 10 : Carbon Materials (T. Okajima)

10:45 S10-1 (INVITE)  
Microscopic characterization of few-layer graphene on SiC using an integrated nanogap probe
M. Nagase, H. Hibino, H. Kageshima and H. Yamaguchi (NTT Basic Research Labs.)
11:15 S10-2  
Formation process and local structure of graphene
S. Mammadov, Y. Naitoh, M. Kageshima and Y. Sugawara (Dept. of Applied Physics, Grad. Sch. of Engineering, Osaka Univ.)
11:30 S10-3  
Local Opening of HOMO-LUMO Gap in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Induced by STM Probing
Y. Mera, H. Sato, K. Yamada, T. Komaguchi and K. Maeda (Dept. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo)

Closing remark (K. Kobayashi) (11:45-11:50)

Session 4 : Poster Session (K. Kobayashi)

Dec 10 Thu 19:30-21:30

Monitoring a Very Small Amount of Current during Conducting Atomic Force Microscopy Spectroscopy Measurements and Proximity Effect of Current Flow
T. Oohira1 and A. Ando1,2 (1AIST, 2NEDO)
AFM Simulations of Force Mapping on Si(111)-(5x5)-DAS Surface
A. Masago and M. Tsukada (WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)
NC-AFM/STM measurements on the Si(111)-(7×7) surface and the Ge(111)-c(2×8) surface
R. Takimoto, D. Sawada, Y. Sugimoto, K.- ichi  Morita, M. Abe and S. Morita (Osaka Univ.)
Studying different type of image contrast on TiO2 (110) surface
H. Tanaka, A. Pratama, A. Yurtsever, Y. Sugimoto, M. Abe and S. Morita (Grad. Sch. of Engineering Osaka Univ.)
An AFM probe characterizer for precise morphology measurement
H. Itoh (AIST)
Size Control of Carbon Nanofiber Probes Fabricated by Ion Irradiation Method
K. Inaba1, Y. Sugita1, T. Suzuki1, M. Tanemura1, A. Hayashi1, Y. Hayashi1, M. Kitazawa2 and R. Ohta2 (1Nagoya Inst. of Technology, 2Olympus Co. Ltd.)
The Noise Analysis of the Optical Beam Deflection Sensor in Water with Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy
M. Yamazaki1,2, M. Ohta1,2, K. Watanabe1,2, R. Kokawa1,2, N. Oyabu1,3, K. Kobayashi1,4 and H. Yamada1,3 (1JST/Advanced Measurement and Analysis., 2Shimadzu Corp., 3Kyoto Univ., 4ICC, Kyoto Univ.)
Development of electrochemical FM-AFM toward local charge mapping at solid/liquid interfaces
K. Umeda1, Y. Hirata2, K. Kobayashi4 and H. Yamada1 (1Dept. of Electronic Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2AIST, 3JST / Adv. Meas. & Analysis, 4Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ.)
High Resolution Imaging in Liquid using FM-AFM
K. Suzuki1, S. Kitamura1, S. Tanaka2, K. Kobayashi3 and H. Yamada3 (1JEOL Ltd., 2Kobe Advanced ICT Research Center, NICT, 3Kyoto Univ.)
Force Enhancement of Phase Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Using Q-control Technique for High-resolution Imaging in Liquid
N. Kobayashi1, Y.J. Li1,2, Y. Naitoh1,2, M. Kageshima1,2 and Y. Sugawara1,2 (1Osaka Univ., 2JST-CREST)
Dye-Adsorbed TiO2(110) Electrodes Studied with FM-AFM
K. Fujio1, K. Kimura1, N. Koide2, H. Katayama2 and H. Onishi1 (1Dept. of Chemistry, Kobe Univ., 2SHARP Co.s)
High-speed Three-dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy with Wideband Digital Phase-Locked Loop Detector for Frequency Modulation Detection
S. Yoshioka1 and T. Fukuma1,2 (1Kanazawa Univ., 2PRESTO, JST)
Fabrication of Nano-Meter Scale Dots Using a Scanning Nanopipette Probe Microscope by Controlling Electric Charge
S. ITO, T. KEINO and F. IWATA (Grad. Sch. of Science and Technology, Shizuoka Univ.)
Frequency Modulation AFM in Ionic Liquids using Quartz Tuning Fork Sensor
M. Fujimura, T. Ichii, K. Murase and H. Sugimura (Kyoto Univ.)
Atomic Resolution Imaging of alkali halide crystal in liquid by Frequency-Modulation AFM
S. Yamane, K. Nagashima, M. Abe and S. Morita (Osaka Univ.)
Highly Sensitive Electrostatic Force Detection Using Small Amplitude FM-AFM
K. Nishi1, Y. Hosokawa1, K. Kobayashi2, H. Yamada1 and K. Matsusige1 (1Dept. of Electronic Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ.)
A Consideration on Stable Self-Oscillation Criteria in FM-AFM
Y. Hosokawa1, K. Kobayashi2, H. Yamada1 and K. Matsushige1 (1Dept. of Electronic Sci. and Eng., Kyoto Univ., 22 Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ.)
Comparison between Static Force-Distance Curve and That Obtained from HarmoniX
K. Nakajima, S. Fujinami, D. Wang and T. Nishi (WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)
Compact AFM for multi-probe manipulation of biological samples in liquid condition
Y. Mizuguchi1, K. Ozawa1, T. Ushiki2 and F. Iwata1 (1Shizuoka Univ., 2Niigata Univ.)
Mechanics of Single Cells Cultured on Microarray Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy
P.G. Cai, Y. Mizutani, A. Miyaoka, M. Tsuchiya, K. Kawahara and T. Okajima (Grad. Sch. of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido Univ.,Hokkaido Univ.)
Direct Observation of Self-Spreading Lipid Bilayer by AFM
H. Nakashima, K. Furukawa and K. Torimitsu (NTT Basic Research Labs)
Control of Surface Chemistry on a Locally-Oxidized Si Surface and Its Application to Lipid Bilayer Deposition
M. Nakamura, Y. Kashiwase, T. Isono and T. Ogino (Grad. Sch. of Engineering, Yokohama Natl. Univ.)
Method to Derive Viscoelasticity and Adhesion Separately from Force Measurement
S. Fujinami, D. Wang, K. Nakajima and T. Nishi (WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.)
Temperature Dependence of Viscoelastic Properties of Confined Liquid Polymer Measured by Oscillating Optical Fiber Probe
S. Itoh, K. Fukuzawa, Y. Hamamoto and H. Zhang (Nagoya Univ.)
Observation of Grafting Polystyrene Morphology after Immersion of Aqueous Amphipathic Solutions
M. Fujii (Shimane Univ.)
Atomic force microscopic observations of size-controlled Sepia ink particles
T. Matsuura1, M. Horii1, T. Kobayashi2, Y. Taya2 and T. Ueno3 (1Hokkaido Univ. of Education, 2Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center, 3Hakodate Natl. College of Technology)
Formation of Liquid Ordered Domain on Si Substrate using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles
K. Sumitomo1, Y. Tamba1,2, Y. Shinozaki1 and K. Torimitsu1 (1NTT Basic Research Laboratories, 2Shizuoka Univ.)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Visualization of Phospholipid-peptide Specific Interaction of Minute Lipid Particles
S. Matsunaga1,2, T. Matsunaga1,3, K. Iwamoto2, T. Yamada2, M. Shibayama1,3, M. Kawai1,2 and T. Kobayashi2 (1The Univ. of Tokyo, 2RIKEN, 3The Univ. of Tokyo (ISSP))
3D Hydration Structure Measurement of a Purple Membrane by FM-AFM in Liquids
S. Ido1, N. Oyabu1,2, K. Kobayashi2,3, Y. Hirata4, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1,2 (1Dept. of Electronic Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2JST/Adv. Meas. & Analysis, 3Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ., 4AIST)
Interaction between Ti-binding Peptide and Ti Surfaces Explored by Atomic Force Microscopy: From Dynamic Force Spectroscopy to Chemical Composition Analysis
Y. Arai1, K.- ichiro  Okabe1, T. Hayashi1,2 and M. Hara1,2 (1Tokyo Inst. of Tech., 2RIKEN)
Influence of Ions on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Lipid Bilayers Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy
K. Nishimura1, H. Asakawa1 and T. Fukuma1,2 (1Kanazawa Univ., 2PRESTO, JST)
AFM Observation on Algorithmically Assembled DNA Structures in Liquid
S. TANAKA1, M. TAGAWA2,5, K. SUZUKI3, S.- ichi  KITAMURA3 and A. SUYAMA4 (1Kobe Advanced-ICT Research Center, Natl. Inst. of Information and Communications Technology, 2Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven Natl. Laboratory, 3JEOL Ltd., Japan., 4Deparment of Life Sciences and Inst. of Physics, Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo, 5JST PRESTO)
Origin of Variety of Microscopic Interactions for Biotin-Streptavidin/Avidin Complexes Clarified Using Dynamic Force Spectroscopy
A. Taninaka1,2, O. Takeuchi1,2 and H. Shigekawa1,2 (1Inst. of Appl. Phys, Univ. of Tsukuba, 2CREST-JST)
Evaluation of Mechanical Property of Intermediate Filament-matrix Structure on Human Hair by High-resolution Atomic Force Microscopy
H. Kitano1, T. Nawa1, A. Yamamoto1, M. Niwa1, S. Fujinami2, K. Nakajima2 and T. Nishi2 (1Hoyu Co.,Ltd, 2Tohoku Univ.)
Molecular Resolution Investigation of Tetragonal Lysozyme(110) Face in Liquid by Frequency-Modulation AFM
K. Nagashima1, M. Abe1, S. Morita1, N. Oyabu2, K. Kobayashi2, H. Yamada2, R. Murai1, H. Adachi1, K. Takano1, H. Matsumura1, S. Murakami3, T. Inoue1, Y. Mori1, M. Ohta4 and R. Kokawa4 (1Osaka Univ., 2Kyoto Univ., 3Tokyo Insti. of Tech., 4Shimadzu)
Dynamic Observation of Supermolecular Protein, Ferritin, using Fast-Scanning Atomic Force Microscope
S.-I. Yamamoto1, H. Yoshioka2, Y. Uraoka3 and I. Yamashita4 (1Ryukoku Univ, 2Hyogo pref. inst. tech., 3NAIST, 4Panasonic)
Synthesis of Magnesium Oxide Films by Metallo-Organic Decomposition-MOD
Y. Ohashi1, K. Inoue2, H. Yoshioka3 and S.-I. Yamamoto1 (1Ryukoku Univ, 2KCCT, 3Hyogo pref. inst. tech.)
STM Study of Charge Disproportionation in α-(ET)2I3 at Room Temperature
E. Mori1, H. Sakamoto1, K. Mizoguchi1 and T. Naito2 (1TMU, 2Hokkaido Univ.)
Individual Electronic Structure and Collective Transport of PbSe Quantum Dots
Y.C. Ou1, W.L. Chuang2, J. Fang3 and W.B. Jian2 (1IOP, NCTU, Taiwan, 2EP, NCTU, Taiwan, 3Dept. of Chemistry, NY Univ., New York)
Electronic states of sulfur vacancies formed on a MoS2 surface
N. Kodama, T. Hasegawa, Y. Okawa, T. Tsuruoka, C. Joachim and M. Aono (MANA,NIMS)
Surface Potential Measurement of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkyl Chalcogenides Using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
S. Ikebukuro1, T. Ichii1, K. Miki2, K. Murase1, K. Ohe2 and H. Sugimura1 (1Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto Univ., 2Dept. of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Kyoto Univ.)
Theoretical Study of STM Images of Carbon Nanotubes on the Metallic Substrate
S. Takemoto and N. Kobayashi (Tsukuba Univ.)
Electrostatic Force Spectra on InAs Quantum Dots on GaAs Obtained by Noncontact AFM with a Conductive Tip
S. Yamada1 and T. Takahashi1,2 (1IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2INQIE, Univ. of Tokyo)
Probing carrier dynamics via gap states using time-resolved STM
M. Yokota, Y. Terada, S. Yoshida, A. Okubo, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Inst. of Applied Physics,CREST,Univ. of Tsukuba)
Carrier Dynamics in GaAs P-I-N Structures Investigated by Femtosecond Time-Resolved STM
A. Okubo1, Y. Terada1,2, S. Yoshida1,2, M. Yokota1, O. Takeuchi1,2 and H. Shigekawa1,2 (1Inst. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tsukuba, 2CREST)
Band structure fluctuation in pentacene thin film investigated by scanning probe microscopy
N. Takeuchi, Y. Terada, S. Yoshida, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Inst. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tsukuba.)
Conductance Measurement of Silicon-Molecule-Silicon Junction
K. Ishii1, S. Yoshida1, T. Nakamura2, O. Takeuchi1 and H. Shigekawa1 (1Inst. of Applied Physics, CREST-JST, Univ. of Tsukuba, 2NRI, AIST)
Quantitative Understanding of Electrochemical STM Images
Y. Yokota and K. Fukui (Osaka Univ.)
Multi-probe scanning tunneling spectroscopy on semiconductor samples
O. Takeuchi1,2, S. Ishibashi1,2, T. Kouyama1,2 and H. Shigekawa1,2 (1Univ. of Tsukuba, 2CREST-JST)
Spatially Resolved Local Electronic Structure of Halobenzoate Adsorbed on Cu(110) Studied by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
S. Katano1, M. Hori2,3, Y. Kim2 and M. Kawai2,3 (1Tohoku Univ., 2RIKEN,, 3Univ. of Tokyo)
Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tip-induced Light Emission from Self-assembled Silver Nanoparticles
S. Katano1, K. Otsuka1,2, K. Tamada1,2 and Y. Uehara1 (1Tohoku Univ., 2Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
Prism-Coupled STM Light Emission Spectroscopy of Au Film Covered with Self-Assembled Alkanethiol Monolayers
J.U. Ahamed, T. Sanbongi, S. Katano and Y. Uehara (Research Inst. of Electrical Communication, Tohoku Univ.)
Photon Energy Dependence of Photoinduced Current Signal Studied by Dual Light Illumination Method in STM
S. Katsui1 and T. Takahashi1,2 (1IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2INQIE, Univ. of Tokyo)
Optical Properties of Gold Nanoobjects on Silicon Surfaces Fabricated by Scanning Probe Lithography
M. Kanda, T. Ichii, K. Murase and H. Sugimura (Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto Univ.)
Photoluminescence Investigations of ZnO Nanorods by UV- Confocal Scanning Microscopy and cantilever based UV near-field scanning optical microscopy
Y.-H. Kim1, J.-S. Kim1,2, H. Jeong1,2, K.-I. Min1,2 and M.-S. Jeong1 (1Advanced Photonic Research Inst., 2Chonbuk Natl. Univ.)
Characterization of Local Emission from Organic EL Device Induced by STM Light Emission Spectroscopy
T. Kurita, N. Okawa, K. Kanazawa, A. Okada, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Univ. of Tsukuba)
STM Study of Hydrogenation of Si(110) Surface in UHV Conditions
A. Visikovskiy1,2, M. Yoshimura1 and K. Ueda1 (1Toyota Technological Inst., 2Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Manipulation of Na Vacancies in NaCl Films on Cu(111) Substrate
T. Kakudate1,2, M. Nakaya2 and T. Nakayama1,2 (1Univ. of Tsukuba, 2MANA, NIMS)
Atomic Force Microscopy on Microcrystal of III-V Compounds Grown by Current-assisted Liquid Phase Epitaxy
H. Oigawa, Y. Iwata, A. Taninaka, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Univ. Tsukuba)
The Edge Current on Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons
H. Takaki and N. Kobayashi (Univ. Tsukuba)
Measurement of Graphene Thickness Distribution by Spectroscopy of STM
T.H. Wu, S.Y. Wu, Y.J. Chan, A. Tange and C.C. Kuo (Dept. Phys., Natl. Sun Yat-sen Univ.)
Fabrication of Graphene Sheets by Liquid-Phase Exfoliation
S. Suzuki and M. Yoshimura (Toyota Tech. Inst.)
Coadsorption of Ni and Sn on Si(111) Studied by STM
M. Yoshimura and M. Sakimoto (Toyota Technological Inst.)
Spin Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Mn Films Grown on the Fe(001)-p(1x1)O Surface
A. Tange1,4, C.L. Gao1,5, B. Yavorsky2, C. Etz1, S. Ostanin1, A. Ernst1, I. Mertig2,1, W. Wulfhekel3,1 and J. Kirschner1 (1Max Planck Inst. of Microstructure Physics, 2Martin Luther Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 3Univ. Karlsruhe, 4Present add.:Lab for Nanoscale Physics NSYSU, 5Present add.:Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
Visualization of Two Different Form of DNA by STM
H. Usui, T. Yokoya, H. Sakamoto and K. Mizoguchi (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Growth of Pd Ultrathin Films on Ni(111) Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
B. An, L. Zhang, S. Fukuyama and K. Yokogawa (AIST)
Initiation and propagation of hydrogen induced cracking in a SUS304 austenitic steel investigated by magnetic force microscopy
L. Zhang, B. An, S. Fukuyama and K. Yokogawa (AIST)
STM and KFM Studies of Au/TiO2 Model Catalysts
Y. Maeda and M. Kohyama (AIST)
Microscopic Model for Inflection Behavior on Fowler-Nordheim Plot of I-V Characteristics in Molecular Junctions
M. Araidai1,2 and M. Tsukada1,2 (1WPI-AIMR Tohoku Univ., 2CREST-JST)
The study of pentacene thin film transistor for high mobility
S. Kubota and T. Ushiyama (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
Growth and Characterization of Fe-, Co-, and Ni-Nanoparticle-Containing CNTs on SPM Probe Apices
I.T. Clark1, C.-C. Chiu2 and M. Yoshimura1 (1Research Center for Local Structural Control, Toyota Technological Inst., 2Univ. of Hawaii)
Study of Adsorption of NO and Co-Adsorption of CO and NO on Ir(111) Surface
M. Matsumoto, A. Ikeda, K. Fukutani and T. Okano (Inst. Indust. Sci. Univ. Tokyo)
Single Crystal Diamond Probe for Quantitative Measurement
K. Koyama1, K. Oyama1, K. Yamasaki2, H. Aida1, K. Sunakawa1 and A. Sawabe2 (1Namiki Precision Jewel Co., Ltd., 2Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
High-Resolution Imaging of Graphite (0001) in Water by FM-AFM
K. Suzuki1, N. Oyabu1,2, K. Kobayashi3, K. Matsushige1 and H. Yamada1 (1Dept. of Electonic Sci. & Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2JST / Adv. Meas. & Analysis, 3Innovative Collaboration Center, Kyoto Univ.)
Study of Isolated Fullerene Molecule Realized By a Glycin/Cu(111) Nanocavity Template
H. Huang, K. Kanazawa, A. Taninaka, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Chiral-selective self-assembly of alanine molecules on Cu(111)
M. Nishimura, K. Kanazawa, A. Taninaka, O. Takeuchi and H. Shigekawa (Inst. of Applied Physics, CREST-JST, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
STM Study of Two-dimensional Self-assembled Structures of N, N’-bis(alkyl) Naphthalene-diimide on Graphit
Y. Miyake1, T. Nagata2, H. Tanaka3 and T. Ogawa3 (1ISIR Osaka Univ., 2IMS, 3Osaka Univ.)
Study of Ga adsorption structure on Ni/Si(100) surface by scanning tunneling microscopy
K. Fuse1, T. Suzuki1, K. Yagishita1, Y. Hirata1, S. Hara1, K. Irokawa2, H. Miki2, A. Kawazu2 and H.I. Fujishiro1 (1Fac. of Indus. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2Fac. of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)
Identification of materials composing nanostripe surface structure by scanning probe microscopy
A. Mizuno, Y. Ando and K. Miyake (AMRI, AIST)

Author index

*Boldface represents the presenters.

Abe, M. S4-4 (Poster) : Nagashima, K. S4-35 (Poster)
Abe, M. S4-15 (Poster) : Nagata, T. S4-77 (Poster)
Abe, M. S4-35 (Poster) : Naito, T. S4-38 (Poster)
Adachi, H. S4-35 (Poster) : Naitoh, Y. S1-3 (Oral)
Afrin, R. S9-3 (Oral) : Naitoh, Y. S4-10 (Poster)
Afrin, R. S9-4 (Oral) : Naitoh, Y. S5-2 (Oral)
Ahamed, J.U. S4-52 (Poster) : Naitoh, Y. S5-3 (Oral)
Aida, H. S4-73 (Poster) : Naitoh, Y. S10-2 (Oral)
Akiyama, K. S8-1 (Invited) : Nakajima, K. S4-18 (Poster)
An, B. S4-66 (Poster) : Nakajima, K. S4-23 (Poster)
An, B. S4-67 (Poster) : Nakajima, K. S4-34 (Poster)
Ando, A. S4-1 (Poster) : Nakajima, K. S5-5 (Oral)
Ando, Y. S4-79 (Poster) : Nakamura, M. S4-22 (Poster)
Aono, M. S1-2 (Oral) : Nakamura, T. S2-3 (Oral)
Aono, M. S4-40 (Poster) : Nakamura, T. S4-47 (Poster)
Arai, Y. S4-30 (Poster) : Nakashima, H. S4-21 (Poster)
Araidai, M. S4-69 (Poster) : Nakashima, H. S7-4 (Oral)
Asakawa, H. S4-31 (Poster) : Nakaya, M. S4-58 (Poster)
Asakawa, H. S7-3 (Oral) : Nakayama, T. S4-58 (Poster)
Asakawa, M. S1-4 (Oral) : Nakayama, T. S9-4 (Oral)
Breedlove, B.K. S6-2 (Oral) : Nakayama, T.W. S9-3 (Oral)
Cai, P.G. S4-20 (Poster) : Nakayama, T.W. S9-4 (Oral)
Chan, Y.J. S4-61 (Poster) : Nawa, T. S4-34 (Poster)
Chiu, C.-C. S4-71 (Poster) : Nayak, A. S1-2 (Oral)
Chuang, W.L. S4-39 (Poster) : Nishi, K. S4-16 (Poster)
Clark, I.T. S4-71 (Poster) : Nishi, T. S4-18 (Poster)
Eguchi, T. S8-1 (Invited) : Nishi, T. S4-23 (Poster)
Ernst, A. S4-64 (Poster) : Nishi, T. S4-34 (Poster)
Etz, C. S4-64 (Poster) : Nishi, T. S5-5 (Oral)
Fang, J. S4-39 (Poster) : Nishimura, K. S4-31 (Poster)
Fujii, M. S4-25 (Poster) : Nishimura, K. S7-3 (Oral)
Fujimura, M. S4-14 (Poster) : Nishimura, M. S4-76 (Poster)
Fujinami, S. S4-18 (Poster) : Niwa, M. S4-34 (Poster)
Fujinami, S. S4-23 (Poster) : O'Shea, S. S5-1 (S-Invited)
Fujinami, S. S4-34 (Poster) : Ogawa, T. S4-77 (Poster)
Fujinami, S. S5-5 (Oral) : Ogawa, T. S5-2 (Oral)
Fujio, K. S4-11 (Poster) : Ogino, T. S4-22 (Poster)
Fujishiro, H.I. S4-78 (Poster) : Ohashi, Y. S4-37 (Poster)
Fukui, K. S4-48 (Poster) : Ohe, K. S4-41 (Poster)
Fukuma, T. S4-12 (Poster) : Ohta, M. S4-7 (Poster)
Fukuma, T. S4-31 (Poster) : Ohta, M. S4-35 (Poster)
Fukuma, T. S7-3 (Oral) : Ohta, R. S4-6 (Poster)
Fukutani, K. S4-72 (Poster) : Oigawa, H. S4-59 (Poster)
Fukuyama, S. S4-66 (Poster) : Okabe, K. S4-30 (Poster)
Fukuyama, S. S4-67 (Poster) : Okada, A. S4-56 (Poster)
Fukuzawa, K. S4-24 (Poster) : Okajima, T. S4-20 (Poster)
Furukawa, K. S4-21 (Poster) : Okano, T. S4-72 (Poster)
Furukawa, K. S7-4 (Oral) : Okawa, N. S4-56 (Poster)
Fuse, K. S4-78 (Poster) : Okawa, Y. S4-40 (Poster)
Gao, C.L. S4-64 (Poster) : Okubo, A. S4-44 (Poster)
Gosvami, N. S5-1 (S-Invited) : Okubo, A. S4-45 (Poster)
Hamamoto, Y. S4-24 (Poster) : Okuda, T. S8-1 (Invited)
Hara, K. S8-3 (Oral) : Onishi, H. S4-11 (Poster)
Hara, M. S4-30 (Poster) : Oohira, T. S4-1 (Poster)
Hara, S. S4-78 (Poster) : Ostanin, S. S4-64 (Poster)
Harada, I. S9-3 (Oral) : Otsuka, K. S4-51 (Poster)
Harada, I. S9-4 (Oral) : Ou, Y.C. S4-39 (Poster)
Haruyama, Y. S8-1 (Invited) : Oyabu, N. S4-7 (Poster)
Hasegawa, T. S1-2 (Oral) : Oyabu, N. S4-8 (Poster)
Hasegawa, T. S4-40 (Poster) : Oyabu, N. S4-29 (Poster)
Hasegawa, Y. S8-1 (Invited) : Oyabu, N. S4-35 (Poster)
Hayashi, A. S4-6 (Poster) : Oyabu, N. S4-74 (Poster)
Hayashi, T. S4-30 (Poster) : Oyama, K. S4-73 (Poster)
Hayashi, Y. S4-6 (Poster) : Ozawa, K. S4-19 (Poster)
Hibino, H. S10-1 (Invited) : Pratama, A. S4-4 (Poster)
Hirata, Y. S4-8 (Poster) : Sahin, O. S7-1 (S-INVITE)
Hirata, Y. S4-29 (Poster) : Sakamoto, H. S4-38 (Poster)
Hirata, Y. S4-78 (Poster) : Sakamoto, H. S4-65 (Poster)
Hirose, M. S2-2 (Oral) : Sakimoto, M. S4-63 (Poster)
Hofbauer, W. S5-1 (S-Invited) : Sanbongi, T. S4-52 (Poster)
Hori, M. S4-50 (Poster) : Sasou, M. S1-4 (Oral)
Hori, Y. S1-4 (Oral) : Sato, H. S10-3 (Oral)
Horii, M. S4-26 (Poster) : Satoh, T. S1-3 (Oral)
Hosokawa, Y. S4-16 (Poster) : Sawabe, A. S4-73 (Poster)
Hosokawa, Y. S4-17 (Poster) : Sawada, D. S4-3 (Poster)
Huang, H. S4-75 (Poster) : Sekiguchi, H. S9-3 (Oral)
Hwang, I.-S. S7-2 (Oral) : Shibayama, M. S4-28 (Poster)
Ichii, T. S4-14 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S2-3 (Oral)
Ichii, T. S4-41 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-33 (Poster)
Ichii, T. S4-54 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-44 (Poster)
Ido, S. S4-29 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-45 (Poster)
Ikai, A. S9-3 (Oral) : Shigekawa, H. S4-46 (Poster)
Ikai, A. S9-4 (Oral) : Shigekawa, H. S4-47 (Poster)
Ikebukuro, S. S4-41 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-49 (Poster)
Ikeda, A. S4-72 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-56 (Poster)
Ikeda, T. S1-4 (Oral) : Shigekawa, H. S4-59 (Poster)
Inaba, K. S4-6 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-75 (Poster)
Inoue, K. S4-37 (Poster) : Shigekawa, H. S4-76 (Poster)
Inoue, T. S4-35 (Poster) : Shimizu, T. S1-4 (Oral)
Irisawa, T. S6-3 (Oral) : Shinozaki, Y. S4-27 (Poster)
Irokawa, K. S4-78 (Poster) : Shinozaki, Y. S7-4 (Oral)
Ishibashi, S. S4-49 (Poster) : Su, C. S9-2 (Oral)
Ishii, K. S2-3 (Oral) : Sugawara, Y. S1-3 (Oral)
Ishii, K. S4-47 (Poster) : Sugawara, Y. S4-10 (Poster)
Isono, T. S4-22 (Poster) : Sugawara, Y. S5-2 (Oral)
Isshiki, H. S6-2 (Oral) : Sugawara, Y. S5-3 (Oral)
Ito, S. S4-13 (Poster) : Sugawara, Y. S10-2 (Oral)
Itoh, H. S4-5 (Poster) : Sugimoto, Y. S4-3 (Poster)
Itoh, S. S4-24 (Poster) : Sugimoto, Y. S4-4 (Poster)
Iwamoto, K. S4-28 (Poster) : Sugimura, H. S4-14 (Poster)
Iwata, F. S4-13 (Poster) : Sugimura, H. S4-41 (Poster)
Iwata, F. S4-19 (Poster) : Sugimura, H. S4-54 (Poster)
Iwata, Y. S4-59 (Poster) : Sugita, Y. S4-6 (Poster)
Jeong, H. S4-55 (Poster) : Sumitomo, K. S4-27 (Poster)
Jeong, M.-S. S4-55 (Poster) : Sumitomo, K. S7-4 (Oral)
Jian, W.B. S4-39 (Poster) : Sunakawa, K. S4-73 (Poster)
Joachim, C. S4-40 (Poster) : Suyama, A. S4-32 (Poster)
Kageshima, H. S10-1 (Invited) : Suzuki, K. S4-9 (Poster)
Kageshima, M. S1-3 (Oral) : Suzuki, K. S4-32 (Poster)
Kageshima, M. S4-10 (Poster) : Suzuki, K. S4-74 (Poster)
Kageshima, M. S5-2 (Oral) : Suzuki, S. S4-62 (Poster)
Kageshima, M. S5-3 (Oral) : Suzuki, T. S4-6 (Poster)
Kageshima, M. S10-2 (Oral) : Suzuki, T. S4-78 (Poster)
Kaisei, K. S5-4 (Oral) : Tagawa, M. S4-32 (Poster)
Kakudate, T. S4-58 (Poster) : Takagi, A. S8-5 (Oral)
Kanazawa, K. S4-56 (Poster) : Takahashi, K. S5-3 (Oral)
Kanazawa, K. S4-75 (Poster) : Takahashi, T. S4-43 (Poster)
Kanazawa, K. S4-76 (Poster) : Takahashi, T. S4-53 (Poster)
Kanda, M. S4-54 (Poster) : Takahashi, T. S8-2 (Oral)
Kasai, N. S7-4 (Oral) : Takahashi, T. S8-3 (Oral)
Kashiwase, Y. S4-22 (Poster) : Takaki, H. S4-60 (Poster)
Katano, S. S4-50 (Poster) : Takano, K. S4-35 (Poster)
Katano, S. S4-51 (Poster) : Takemoto, S. S4-42 (Poster)
Katano, S. S4-52 (Poster) : Takeuchi, N. S4-46 (Poster)
Katayama, H. S4-11 (Poster) : Takeuchi, O. S2-3 (Oral)
Katoh, K. S6-2 (Oral) : Takeuchi, O. S4-33 (Poster)
Katsui, S. S4-53 (Poster) : Takeuchi, O. S4-44 (Poster)
Kawahara, K. S4-20 (Poster) : Takeuchi, O. S4-45 (Poster)
Kawai, M. S4-28 (Poster) : Takeuchi, O. S4-46 (Poster)
Kawai, M. S4-50 (Poster) : Takeuchi, O. S4-47 (Poster)
Kawai, T. S2-1 (Invited) : Takeuchi, O. S4-49 (Poster)
Kawai, T. S8-5 (Oral) : Takeuchi, O. S4-56 (Poster)
Kawamori, M. S8-1 (Invited) : Takeuchi, O. S4-59 (Poster)
Kawano, M. S8-5 (Oral) : Takeuchi, O. S4-75 (Poster)
Kawano, Y. S8-4 (Invited) : Takeuchi, O. S4-76 (Poster)
Kawazu, A. S4-78 (Poster) : Takihara, M. S8-2 (Oral)
Keino, T. S4-13 (Poster) : Takimoto, R. S4-3 (Poster)
Kim, J.-S. S4-55 (Poster) : Tamada, K. S4-51 (Poster)
Kim, Y. S4-50 (Poster) : Tamba, Y. S4-27 (Poster)
Kim, Y.-H. S4-55 (Poster) : Tamba, Y. S7-4 (Oral)
Kimura, K. S4-11 (Poster) : Tanaka, H. S2-1 (Invited)
Kinoshita, T. S8-1 (Invited) : Tanaka, H. S4-4 (Poster)
Kinoshita, Y. S1-3 (Oral) : Tanaka, H. S4-77 (Poster)
Kirschner, J. S4-64 (Poster) : Tanaka, S. S4-9 (Poster)
Kitamura, S. S4-9 (Poster) : Tanaka, S. S4-32 (Poster)
Kitamura, S. S4-32 (Poster) : Tanemura, M. S4-6 (Poster)
Kitano, H. S4-34 (Poster) : Tange, A. S4-61 (Poster)
Kitazawa, M. S4-6 (Poster) : Tange, A. S4-64 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S2-2 (Oral) : Taninaka, A. S4-33 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-7 (Poster) : Taninaka, A. S4-59 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-8 (Poster) : Taninaka, A. S4-75 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-9 (Poster) : Taninaka, A. S4-76 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-16 (Poster) : Taya, Y. S4-26 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-17 (Poster) : Terabe, K. S1-2 (Oral)
Kobayashi, K. S4-29 (Poster) : Terada, Y. S4-44 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-35 (Poster) : Terada, Y. S4-45 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S4-74 (Poster) : Terada, Y. S4-46 (Poster)
Kobayashi, K. S5-4 (Oral) : Torimitsu, K. S4-21 (Poster)
Kobayashi, N. S4-10 (Poster) : Torimitsu, K. S4-27 (Poster)
Kobayashi, N. S4-42 (Poster) : Torimitsu, K. S7-4 (Oral)
Kobayashi, N. S4-60 (Poster) : Tsuchiya, M. S4-20 (Poster)
Kobayashi, N. S5-3 (Oral) : Tsukada, M. S4-2 (Poster)
Kobayashi, T. S4-26 (Poster) : Tsukada, M. S4-69 (Poster)
Kobayashi, T. S4-28 (Poster) : Tsunemi, E. S2-2 (Oral)
Kodama, N. S4-40 (Poster) : Tsuruoka, T. S1-2 (Oral)
Kohyama, M. S4-68 (Poster) : Tsuruoka, T. S4-40 (Poster)
Koide, N. S4-11 (Poster) : Ueda, K. S4-57 (Poster)
Kokawa, R. S4-7 (Poster) : Uehara, Y. S4-51 (Poster)
Kokawa, R. S4-35 (Poster) : Uehara, Y. S4-52 (Poster)
Komaguchi, T. S10-3 (Oral) : Ueno, T. S4-26 (Poster)
Komeda, T. S6-2 (Oral) : Umeda, K. S4-8 (Poster)
Korchev, Y. S9-1 (S-Invited) : Uraoka, Y. S4-36 (Poster)
Kouyama, T. S4-49 (Poster) : Ushiki, T. S4-19 (Poster)
Koyama, K. S4-73 (Poster) : Ushiyama, T. S4-70 (Poster)
Kubota, S. S4-70 (Poster) : Usui, H. S4-65 (Poster)
Kuo, C.C. S4-61 (Poster) : Visikovskiy, A. S4-57 (Poster)
Kurachi, S. S5-2 (Oral) : Wakisaka, Y. S8-2 (Oral)
Kurita, T. S4-56 (Poster) : Wang, D. S4-18 (Poster)
Li, Y.J. S1-3 (Oral) : Wang, D. S4-23 (Poster)
Li, Y.J. S4-10 (Poster) : Wang, D. S5-5 (Oral)
Li, Y.J. S5-2 (Oral) : Watanabe, K. S4-7 (Poster)
Li, Y.J. S5-3 (Oral) : Wu, S.Y. S4-61 (Poster)
Loth, S. S6-1 (S-Invited) : Wu, T.H. S4-61 (Poster)
Machida, S. S9-3 (Oral) : Wulfhekel, W. S4-64 (Poster)
Machida, S. S9-4 (Oral) : Yagishita, K. S4-78 (Poster)
Maeda, K. S10-3 (Oral) : Yamada, F. S8-5 (Oral)
Maeda, Y. S4-68 (Poster) : Yamada, H. S2-2 (Oral)
Mammadov, S. S10-2 (Oral) : Yamada, H. S4-7 (Poster)
Manoharan, H. S1-1 (S-INVITE) : Yamada, H. S4-8 (Poster)
Masago, A. S4-2 (Poster) : Yamada, H. S4-9 (Poster)
Matsui, S. S8-1 (Invited) : Yamada, H. S4-16 (Poster)
Matsumoto, M. S4-72 (Poster) : Yamada, H. S4-17 (Poster)
Matsumoto, T. S8-5 (Oral) : Yamada, H. S4-29 (Poster)
Matsumura, H. S4-35 (Poster) : Yamada, H. S4-35 (Poster)
Matsunaga, S. S4-28 (Poster) : Yamada, H. S4-74 (Poster)
Matsunaga, T. S4-28 (Poster) : Yamada, H. S5-4 (Oral)
Matsushige, K. S2-2 (Oral) : Yamada, K. S10-3 (Oral)
Matsushige, K. S4-17 (Poster) : Yamada, S. S4-43 (Poster)
Matsushige, K. S4-29 (Poster) : Yamada, T. S4-28 (Poster)
Matsushige, K. S4-74 (Poster) : Yamada, T.K. S6-3 (Oral)
Matsushige, K. S5-4 (Oral) : Yamaguchi, H. S10-1 (Invited)
Matsusige, K. S4-16 (Poster) : Yamamoto, A. S4-34 (Poster)
Matsuura, T. S4-26 (Poster) : Yamamoto, S-I. S4-36 (Poster)
Mera, Y. S10-3 (Oral) : Yamamoto, S-I. S4-37 (Poster)
Mertig, I. S4-64 (Poster) : Yamane, S. S4-15 (Poster)
Mikamo-Satoh, E. S8-5 (Oral) : Yamasaki, K. S4-73 (Poster)
Miki, H. S4-78 (Poster) : Yamashita, I. S4-36 (Poster)
Miki, K. S4-41 (Poster) : Yamashita, M. S6-2 (Oral)
Min, K.-I. S4-55 (Poster) : Yamazaki, M. S4-7 (Poster)
Minemoto, T. S8-2 (Oral) : Yang, C.-W. S7-2 (Oral)
Miyake, K. S1-4 (Oral) : Yavorsky, B. S4-64 (Poster)
Miyake, K. S4-79 (Poster) : Yokogawa, K. S4-66 (Poster)
Miyake, Y. S4-77 (Poster) : Yokogawa, K. S4-67 (Poster)
Miyaoka, A. S4-20 (Poster) : Yokota, M. S4-44 (Poster)
Miyasaka, H. S6-2 (Oral) : Yokota, M. S4-45 (Poster)
Miyashita, H. S7-4 (Oral) : Yokota, Y. S4-48 (Poster)
Mizoguchi, K. S4-38 (Poster) : Yokoya, T. S4-65 (Poster)
Mizoguchi, K. S4-65 (Poster) : Yoshida, S. S2-3 (Oral)
Mizoguchi, T. S6-3 (Oral) : Yoshida, S. S4-44 (Poster)
Mizuguchi, Y. S4-19 (Poster) : Yoshida, S. S4-45 (Poster)
Mizuno, A. S4-79 (Poster) : Yoshida, S. S4-46 (Poster)
Mizutani, Y. S4-20 (Poster) : Yoshida, S. S4-47 (Poster)
Mori, E. S4-38 (Poster) : Yoshida, Y. S6-2 (Oral)
Mori, Y. S4-35 (Poster) : Yoshimura, M. S4-57 (Poster)
Morita, K. S4-3 (Poster) : Yoshimura, M. S4-62 (Poster)
Morita, S. S4-3 (Poster) : Yoshimura, M. S4-63 (Poster)
Morita, S. S4-4 (Poster) : Yoshimura, M. S4-71 (Poster)
Morita, S. S4-15 (Poster) : Yoshioka, H. S4-36 (Poster)
Morita, S. S4-35 (Poster) : Yoshioka, H. S4-37 (Poster)
Murai, R. S4-35 (Poster) : Yoshioka, S. S4-12 (Poster)
Murakami, S. S4-35 (Poster) : Yoshioka, S. S7-3 (Oral)
Murase, K. S4-14 (Poster) : Yurtsever, A. S4-4 (Poster)
Murase, K. S4-41 (Poster) : Zhang, H. S4-24 (Poster)
Murase, K. S4-54 (Poster) : Zhang, L. S4-66 (Poster)
Nagase, M. S10-1 (Invited) : Zhang, L. S4-67 (Poster)
Nagashima, K. S4-15 (Poster) : Zhang, Y.F. S6-2 (Oral)