タイミングチャート清書サービス のバックアップソース(No.5)



* 概要 [#td75a95f]

[[こちらで紹介したタイミングチャート清書スクリプト>ソフトウェア/tchart.rb]] と同等の物を
javascript で実装し、オンラインで使えるようにしました。

 aclk    ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_
 awaddr  ==?X=A1==X=A2X=A3==X==?=X=A4X=?
 awvalid __~~~~~~~~~~____~~__
 awready ____[~~~~]__[~~]____[~~]__
 wdata   ====?X=D1X=D2X=?X=D3X=?X=D4==X=?
 wvalid  ____~~~~__~~__~~~~__
 wready  ____[~~~~]__[~~]____~~__
 bresp   ====00================
 bvalid  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~
 bready  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~


aclk    ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_
awaddr  ==?X=A1==X=A2X=A3==X==?=X=A4X=?
awvalid __~~~~~~~~~~____~~__
awready ____[~~~~]__[~~]____[~~]__
wdata   ====?X=D1X=D2X=?X=D3X=?X=D4==X=?
wvalid  ____~~~~__~~__~~~~__
wready  ____[~~~~]__[~~]____~~__
bresp   ====00================
bvalid  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~
bready  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~


清書したタイミングチャートは SVG または PNG 形式で保存できます

* 設置アドレス [#s578cb5d]

こちらです: http://dora.bk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~takeuchi/tchart.html

* チャート記述文法 [#ydbb2dea]

- [[こちらをご覧下さい。>http://dora.bk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~takeuchi/?%E3%82%BD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A7%E3%82%A2%2Ftchart.rb#ya5f8236]]

* ソースコード [#sc7a574d]


 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>
   <script src="https://rawgit.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/master/FileSaver.js"></script>
   <script src="https://rawgit.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js/master/canvas-toBlob.js"></script>
   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
   <title>Timing Chart Formatter</title>
   <h1>Timing Chart Formatter</h1>
   <textarea id="source" cols="60" rows="10" spellcheck="false">
 clock	_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_
 data	=?====X=DATA========X=?====
 valid	_____~~~~~~~~~~______
 ready	_____________[~~]______
   <div id="result"></div>
   <input type="button" value="Download as SVG" id="as_svg" />
   <input type="button" value="Download as PNG" id="as_png" />
   Background: <input id="background" value="white" style="width:60px" />

 @import "compass";
 textarea {
   font-size: 15px;
   $line-height: 18px;
   line-height: $line-height;
   padding: 0px 10px;
   @include background-image(
     linear-gradient(left, white 5px, transparent 5px), 
     linear-gradient(right, white 5px, transparent 5px), 
     linear-gradient(white $line-height - 1px, 
       #ddd $line-height - 1px, #ddd $line-height, white $line-height)
   background-size: 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% $line-height;

 class SvgPath
   constructor: (style)->
     @segments = []
     @style = style
   draw: (x1, y1, x2, y2)->
   svg: ->
     for s in @segments
       s[4]= 0
       s[5]= null
     for s1 in @segments
       for s2 in @segments
         if s1[2]==s2[0] and s1[3]==s2[1]
           s1[4] += 1
           s2[4] += 1
     for s1 in @segments
       for s2 in @segments
         continue if s2[4]<2 or s1[2]!=s2[0] or s1[3]!=s2[1]
         s1[5]= s2
         s2[4]= -1
       continue if s1[5]
       for s2 in @segments
         continue if s2[4]!=1 or s1[2]!=s2[0] or s1[3]!=s2[1]
         s1[5]= s2
         s2[4]= -1
     path = []
     for s1 in @segments
       continue if s1[4]<0
       s = s1
       cx = s[0]
       cy = s[1]
       path.push "M#{cx},#{cy}"
       while s
         if cx == s[2] && cy == s[3]
         else if cx == s[2]
           if path[path.length-1][0]=='V'
             path[path.length-1]= "V#{s[3]}"
             path.push "V#{s[3]}"
         else if cy == s[3]
           if path[path.length-1][0]=='H'
             path[path.length-1]= "H#{s[2]}"
             path.push "H#{s[2]}"
           path.push "L#{s[2]},#{s[3]}"
         cx = s[2]
         cy = s[3]
         s = s[5]
     """<path #{@style} d="#{path.join('')}" />\n"""
 class TimeLine
   # : - ~ _ = 
   @transitions = [
     '          ', # :
     '  - 1 4 14', # -
     '  2 ~ / ~/', # ~
     '  3 ` _ _`', # _
     '  23`~/_= ', # =
     '  23`~/_=/', # /
     '  23`~/_=`', # \
     '  23`~/_X ', # X
     '  23`~/_=X', # *
   @transitionLines =
     ' ' : []
     '~' : [[1,1]]
     '_' : [[0,0]]
     '=' : [[1,1],[0,0]]
     'X' : [[1,0],[0,1]]
     '`' : [[1,0]]
     '/' : [[0,1]]
     '1' : [[1,0.5]]
     '2' : [[0.5,1]]
     '3' : [[0.5,0]]
     '4' : [[0,0.5]]
     '-' : [[0.5,0.5]]
   #                :  -     ~   _   =
   @stateLines = [[],[0.5],[1],[0],[0,1]]
   @codes = ':-~_=/\\X*'
   constructor: (config, y)->
     @config = config
     @x = config.w_caption
     @y = y
     @path = new SvgPath(config.signal_style)
     @current = 0
     @crosses = []
     @strings = []
     @grids   = []
     @highlights = []
   ys: (s)->
     @y + (1-s) * @config.h_line
   y0: ->
     @y + @config.h_line
   y1: ->
   yz: ->
     @y + @config.h_line/2.0
   xh: ->
     @x + @config.w_transient/2.0
   xt: ->
     @x + @config.w_transient
   xr: ->
     @x + @config.w_transient + @config.w_hold
   parse: (line)->
     while line != ''
       if maches = /^\s+/.exec(line)
       else if maches = /^\|/.exec(line)
         @grids.push [@xh(), @config.grid_style]
       else if maches = /^\[/.exec(line)
         if @highlights.length==0 or Array.isArray(@highlights[@highlights.length-1])
           @highlights.push @xh()
       else if maches = /^\]/.exec(line)
         if @highlights.length>0 and not Array.isArray(@highlights[@highlights.length-1])
           @highlights[@highlights.length-1] = 
             [@highlights[@highlights.length-1], @xh(), @config.highlight_style]
       else if matches = /^([:\-~_=\/\\X*])/.exec(line)
       else if matches = /"(([^"]|"")+)"/.exec(line)
       else if matches = /([^:\-~_=\/\\X*\|\]\[]+)/.exec(line)
       line = line.substr(matches[0].length, line.length-matches[0].length)
     @processStrings() + @path.svg()
   addState: (c)->
     s = TimeLine.codes.indexOf(c)
     crosses = @drawTransition(s)
     s = 4 if s > 4
     @crosses.push([@x, crosses]) if crosses!=''
     if (@current == 0 and s != 0) or (@current != 0 and s == 0)
       @crosses.push([@x, '|'])
     @current = s
     @x = @xr()
   addString: (s)->
     @strings.push [@crosses.length, s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')]
   drawTransition: (s)->
     crosses = ''
     transitions = TimeLine.transitions[s].substr(2*@current,2)
     for i in [0..transitions.length-1]
       crosses += @drawTransitionSub(transitions[i])
   drawTransitionSub: (c)->
     crosses = ''
     for line in TimeLine.transitionLines[c]
       @path.draw(@x,  @ys(line[0]), @xt(), @ys(line[1]))
       crosses += c if line[0] != line[1]
   drawState: (s)->
     for line in TimeLine.stateLines[s]
       @path.draw(@xt(), @ys(line), @xr(), @ys(line))
   processStrings: ->
     svg = []
     @crosses.push [@x,'|']
     for string in @strings
       y0 = @ys(0)
       y1 = @ys(1)
       yz = @ys(0.5)
       x1 = @crosses[string[0]-1][0]
       x1t = x1 + @config.w_transient
       x1h = x1 + @config.w_transient/2.0
       x1r = x1t + @config.w_hold
       x2 = @crosses[string[0]  ][0]
       x2t = x2 + @config.w_transient
       x2h = x2 + @config.w_transient/2.0
       x2r = x2t + @config.w_hold
       if string[1]=='?'
         path= ["M#{x1t},#{y1}H#{x2}"]
         path.push switch @crosses[string[0]][1]
           when '|'  then ""
           when 'XX' then "L#{x2h},#{yz}"
           when '/'  then "H#{x2t}"
           when '`'  then "L#{x2t},#{y0}"
           when '23' then "H#{x2t}L#{x2},#{yz}L#{x2t},#{y0}"
           when '14' then "L#{x2t},#{yz}"
           when '1'  then "L#{x2t},#{yz}V#{y0}"
           when '2'  then "H#{x2t}L#{x2},#{yz}"
           when '3'  then "V#{yz}L#{x2t},#{y0}"
           when '4'  then "H#{x2t}V#{yz}"
         path.push "L#{x2},#{y0}H#{x1t}"
         path.push switch @crosses[string[0]-1][1]
           when '|'  then ""
           when 'XX' then "L#{x1h},#{yz}"
           when '/'  then "H#{x1}"
           when '`'  then "L#{x1},#{y1}"
           when '23' then "L#{x1},#{yz}"
           when '14' then "H#{x1}L#{x1t},#{yz}L#{x1},#{y1}"
           when '1'  then "V#{yz}L#{x1},#{y1}"
           when '2'  then "H#{x1}V#{yz}"
           when '3'  then "L#{x1},#{yz}V{y1}"
           when '4'  then "H#{x1}L#{xt},#{yz}"
         path.push "Z"
         svg.push """\n<path stroke="none" d="#{path.join('')}" #{@config.notcare_style}/>"""
       sanitized = string[1].replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
       svg.push """<text x="#{(x1h + x2h)/2.0}" y="#{@ys(0)-1.5}" text-anchor="middle" """ +
                """font-size="#{@config.h_line}" #{@config.signal_font}>#{sanitized}</text>\n"""
 class TimingChart
     scale:          1.0
     margin:         10
     w_caption:      40
     w_hold:         10
     w_transient:    2
     h_line:         10
     h_space:        10
     signal_style:   'stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.6" stroke="black" fill="none"'
     grid_style:     'stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.6" stroke="red" fill="none"'
     highlight_style:'stroke="none" fill="#ff8"'
     notcare_style:  'fill="#ccc"'
     rotate:         0
     caption_font:   'fill="black" font-family="Helvetica"'
     signal_font:    'fill="black" font-family="Helvetica"'
   constructor: (config= {})->
     @config= {}
   setConfig: (config)->
     @config[k]= v for own k,v of config
   parse: (source)->
     @svg= []
     @grids= []
     @highlights= []
     @y= -1
     @x_max= @config.w_caption
     source= source.replace(/^\n+/, '')
     source= source.replace(/\n+$/, '')
     for line in source.split("\n")
   formatSVG: (source)->
     m= @config.margin
     w= (@x_max + 2 * m) * @config.scale * 1.3
     h= (@y     + 2 * m) * @config.scale * 1.3
     @width = w
     @height = h
     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 
       width="#{w}px" height="#{h}px" viewBox="#{-m} #{-m} #{@x_max+2*m} #{@y+2*m}" version="1.1">
     #{source.replace(/\]\]\>/g, ']]&gt;')}
   parseLine: (line)->
     return if line[0] == '#'  #### comment
     if line[0]=='@'           #### configuration
       if !(matches = /^@([^\s]+)[\s]+([^\s].*)$/.exec(line))
         throw new SyntaxError("Illegal Line: #{line}")
       if $.isNumeric(@config[matches[1]])
         @config[matches[1]] = Number(matches[2])
         @config[matches[1]] = matches[2]
     if line[0] == '%'         #### free string
       if !(matches = /^%(-?[\d\.]+)\s+(-?[\d\.]+)\s+?(.*)$/.exec(line))
         throw new SyntaxError("Illegal Line: #{line}")
       @svg.push("""<text x="#{matches[1]}" y="#{matches[2]}" text-anchor="middle" """ +
                 """font-size="#{@config.h_line}" #{@config.signal_font}>#{matches[3]}</text>""")
     if @y<0
       @y= 0
       @y+= @config.h_space
     line= line.replace(/\s*$/, '')
     return if line==''        #### empty line
     if !(matches = /^([^\s]+)[\s]+([^\s].*)$/.exec(line))
       throw new SyntaxError("Illegal Line: #{line}")
     @y+= @config.h_line
   formatCaption: (caption)->
     sanitized = caption.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
       """<text x="#{@config.w_caption-5}" y="#{@y+@config.h_line-1.5}" text-anchor="end" """+
       """font-size="#{@config.h_line}" #{@config.caption_font}>#{sanitized}</text>"""
   formatTimeline: (line)->
     tline= new TimeLine(@config, @y)
     @svg.push tline.parse(line)
     @x_max= tline.x if tline.x > @x_max
     for g in tline.grids
       @grids.push g
     for h in tline.highlights
       @highlights.push h 
   processGrids: ->
     t = -@config.margin/2.0
     b = @y+@config.margin/2.0
     for g in @grids
       @svg.push """<path d="M#{g[0]},#{t}V#{b}" #{g[1]} />"""
   processHighlights: ->
     t = -@config.margin/2.0
     b = @y+@config.margin/2.0
     for h in @highlights
       if Array.isArray(h)
         @svg.unshift """<path d="M#{h[0]},#{t}V#{b}H#{h[1]}V#{t}Z" #{h[2]} />"""
 download= (dataUrl, filename)->
   form = $('<form>')
   form.action = dataUrl
   form.target = '_blank'
 lastSource = ''
 update = ->
   source = $('#source').val()
   return if lastSource==source
   lastSource = source
   tchart= new TimingChart()
   svg= tchart.parse(source)
 $ ->
   $('#as_svg').on 'click', ->
     blob = new Blob([$('#result').html()], {type: "image/svg+xml"});
     saveAs(blob, 'timing-chart.svg')
   $('#as_png').on 'click', ->
     source = $('#source').val()
     tchart= new TimingChart()
     svg= tchart.parse(source)
     canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
     canvas.width = tchart.width
     canvas.height = tchart.height
     # http://nmi.jp/archives/223
     img = new Image()
     img.onload = ->
       ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
       ctx.fillStyle = $('#background').val()
       ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
       ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
       url = canvas.toDataURL('image/png')
       link = document.createElement('a')
       link.href = url
       link.download = 'timing-chart.png'
     img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svg)
   setInterval(update, 100)

* コメント・質問 [#m9652e62]


Counter: 66703 (from 2010/06/03), today: 4, yesterday: 0