ICSPM25 Program


Time Table

Dec 07 Thu

Registration (12:00-13:30)

Opening (13:30-13:40)

Session 1 : (Kawakatsu)

13:40 S1-1 (INVITED)
Watching Native Nuclear Pore Complexes at Work
Y. SakiyamaA. MazurL.E. KapinosR.Y.H. Lim
University of Basel, Switzerland
14:20 S1-2 (INVITED)
Advanced AFM and SICM techniques for imaging living cells
T.E. Schäffer
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tübingen, Germany
15:00 S1-3
Mechanical Diagnosis of Micropatterned Cells by AFM
M. NagaseR. TanakaK. Kurubayashi-ShigetomiA. SubagyoK. SueokaT. Okajima
Graduate School of Information Science & Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan

Coffee Break (15:15-15:45)

Session 2 : (Takahashi)

15:45 S2-1
In-line Force Measurements with High-speed AFM
C. GanserT. Uchihashi
Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Japan
16:00 S2-2
Improvements in Fundamental Performance of Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope for Visualizing Morphological Changes in Biological Samples with Nanoscale Resolution
S. Watanabe
Bio-AFM Frontier Research Center, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan
16:15 S2-3
Quantifying elastic modulus of soft samples with tilting angle by atomic force microscopy
Y. FujiiT. Okajima
Grad. Schl. Inform. Sci and Tech. Hokkaido Univ., Japan

Session 3 : Exhibitor's presentation (Takeuchi)

16:30 S3-1 Tomoe Engineering Co.,Ltd
16:35 S3-2 UNISOKU Co., Ltd.
16:40 S3-3 Nihon Thermal Consulting Co., Ltd.
16:45 S3-4 Tec Corporaion
16:50 S3-5 Oxford Instruments K.K.
16:55 S3-6 Bruker Nano Surfaces Division
17:00 S3-7 Scienta Omicron, Inc.
17:05 S3-8 Research Institute of Biomolecule Metrology Co., Ltd.
17:15 S3-10 Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation

Dinner break (17:20-19:30)

Session 4 : Poster Session (19:30-21:00)

Dec 08 Fri

Session 5 : (Lim, Miyake)

08:30 S5-1 (INVITED)
Using ESR–STM as a tool to build quantum dimers
Y. Bae1,2,3K. Yang2P. Willke1,2,3C. Lutz2A. Heinrich1,3
1Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Republic of Korea, 2IBM Almaden Research Center, USA, 3Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea
09:10 S5-2 (INVITED)
Atomic-Layer Superconductors with Molecule-based van der Waals Heterostructures and the Rashba Effect
T. Uchihashi
National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
09:40 S5-3
Competing Annulene and Radialene Structures in a Single Anti-Aromatic Molecule Studied by High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy
S. Kawai1K. Takahashi2S. Ito2R. Pawlak3T. Meier3P. Spijker4F. Canova4K. Nozaki2A. Foster4E. Meyer3
1National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3University of Basel, Switzerland, 4Aalto University, Finland
09:55 S5-4
Visualization of Carrier Dynamics in Organic Thin-Film Transistors by Time-resolved Electrostatic Force Microscopy
K. InnamiK. KobayashiH. Yamada
Department of Electronic Science & Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

Coffee Break (10:10-10:40)

Session 6 : (Ichii)

10:40 S6-1 (INVITED)
AFM Techniques for Atomic- and Subatomic-scale Imaging and Manipulation
I. Štich1Y.J. Li2Y. Sugawara2
1Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia, 2Osaka University, Japan
11:20 S6-2 (INVITED)
Theory of charge and heat transport at the atomistic level
N. Kobayashi
University of Tsukuba, Japan
11:50 S6-3
Relaxation Observed in Colour AFM Imaging
H. Nishizawa1P.E. Allain1D. Damiron1H. Osawa1D. Kobayashi1N. Sasaki2H. Kawakatsu1
1IIS, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Conference Photo (12:05-12:15)

Get together at poolside with your best smile!

Lunch break (12:15-13:30)

Session 7 : (Schäffer, Liang)

13:30 S7-1 (INVITED)
Single-Molecule Study of Molecular Interactions in Supramolecular Assemblies
W. ZhangY. SongX. LvP. Yang
Jilin University, China
14:10 S7-2
Probing the magnetic states of centrocymmetric magnetic materials by magnetic force microscopy
J. Kim
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
14:25 S7-3
Crossover of Tip-sample Magnetic Couplings in an In-field Spin-polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
S. Phark1D. Sander2
1Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science, Korea, 2Max-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany
14:40 S7-4
Local Characterization of Organic Solar Cells by STM
O. Takeuchi1T. Ochiai2K. Shinohara1A. Gomi1F. Ohashi1A. Taninaka1S. Yoshida1H. Shigekawa1
1Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, 2TAKANO Co., Ltd., Japan
14:55 S7-5
Controlling the Nano-mechanical Properties of Polyethylene Oxide Single Crystal
Y. SongP. YangK. JiangW. Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, Jilin University, China

Coffee Break (15:10-15:40)

Session 8 : (Zhang, Onishi)

15:40 S8-1
Characterization of External Potential for Field Emission Resonances and Its Applications on Nanometer-scale Measurements
S.-M. Lu1W.-Y. Chan1W.-B. Su1W.W. Pai2H.-L. Liu3C.-S. Chang1
1Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 3Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
15:55 S8-2
Local evaluation of Al2O3 passivation layers crystalline silicon solar cells by super-higher-order scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy
K. Kakikawa1Y. Yamagishi1H. Takato2K. Tanahashi2Y. Cho1
1RIEC, Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2FREA, Japan
16:10 S8-3
Numerical Simulation for Optimization of Electrical Transport Property of Carbon Nanotube Transparent Films
M. TsukudaT. Yamamoto
Tokyo University of Science, Japan
16:25 S8-4
Local Carrier Distribution Imaging of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors by Scanning Nonlinear Dielectric Microscopy
K. YamasueY. Cho
Tohoku University, Japan
16:40 S8-5
Atomic-scale Characterization of the Interfacial Phonon in Graphene/SiC using Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy
Y. Sainoo5E. Minamitani1R. Arafune2T. Frederiksen3,4T. Suzuki5S. Shahed5T. KObayashi5N. Endo6H. Fukidome6S. Watanabe1T. Komeda5
1Tokyo University, Japan, 2NIMS, Japan, 3Donostia International Physics Center, Spain, 4IKERBASQUE, Spain, 5IMRAM, Tohoku University, Japan, 6RIEC, Tohoku University, Japan
16:55 S8-6
Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy Study of Electrical Properties in Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesized MoS2 Films and MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors
A. AndoT. IrisawaT. ShimizuT. Kubo
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
17:10 S8-7
Visualization of Traps at SiO2/SiC Interfaces near the Conduction Band by Local Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy at Low Temperatures
T. AbeY. YamagishiY. Cho
Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Japan
17:25 S8-8
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of √3×√3 germanene on Al(111) grown at nearly room temperature
S. EndoO. KuboN. NakashimaH. TabataM. Katayama
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
17:40 S8-9
Pure-mechanical polishing of atomically flat surface of 4H-SiC (1-100) for nano-meter scale electric evaluation by ESPM
T. Fujita1H. Itoh2D. Fujita1
1National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Break (17:55-19:00)

Banquet (19:00-21:30)

Dec 09 Sat

Session 9 : (Stich, Sugawara)

08:30 S9-1 (INVITED)
Visualization of Subsurface Nanostructures by Scanning Thermal Noise Microscopy
K. Kobayashi
Kyoto University, Japan
09:00 S9-2
Observation and analysis of thermal evanescent waves on ultra-thin Au films
A. KikuchiK.-T. LinH. NemaF. KimuraY. Kajihara
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
09:15 S9-3
Magnetic resonance force microscopy using tip ferromagnetic resonance excited by direct microwave transmission via a coaxial resonator
Y. Kinoshita1Y.J. Li2S. Yoshimura1H. Saito1Y. Sugawara2
1Research Center for Engineering Science, Akita University, Japan, 2Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University, Japan
09:30 S9-4
Electrical and Optical Response of Single Molecular Junction
M. KiguchiS. FujiiS. Kaneko
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
09:45 S9-5
Time-resolved Electrostatic Force Microscopy by Tip-Synchronized Photo Excitation
K. Araki1Y. Ie2Y. Aso2H. Ohyama1T. Matsumoto1
1Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan, 2The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan

Coffee Break (10:00-10:20)

Session 10 : (Bae, Mera)

10:20 S10-1 (INVITED)
Elementary Process of Nanoscale Friction and Adhesion
N. Sasaki
The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
10:50 S10-2
Bonding and dissociation of oxygen atoms using charge manipulation on rutile TiO2(110) surface
Y. AdachiH. WenQ. ZhangY. NaitohY. LiY. Sugawara
Osaka University, Japan
11:05 S10-3
Atom-scale structure of TiO2(110) surface in water imaged by FM-AFM
S. XUEA. SasahraH. Onishi
Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, japan
11:20 S10-4
Alcohol-Assisted Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide
K.K.H. De-SilvaH.H. HuangS. SuzukiM. Yoshimura
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
11:35 S10-5
Stable film formation of π-conjugated organic molecules on 3d-magnetic substrate at room temperature
E. Inami1M. Shimasaki1H. Yorimitsu2T. K. Yamada1
1Chiba University, Japan, 2Kyoto University, Japan

Closing (11:50-12:00)

Session 4 : Poster Session

Dec 7 Thu 19:30-21:00

Nanostructures of N- and Br- Containing Planar Organic Molecules on Au(111) from Solutions
K. Mino1S. Hasui2M. Shiota2A. Okada2M. Yoshimura3K. Kadano2
1Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, 2Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, 3Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
Two-dimensional mapping of graphene oxides by using tip-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy
T. InabaK. De silvaT. KawabataM. Yoshimura
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
Effect of Tip Functionalisation on the Effective Morse Parameters in Colour AFM
H. Nishizawa1P.E. Allain1D. Damiron1D. Kobayashi1N. Sasaki2H. Kawakatsu1
1IIS, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Photothermal vibration excitation by an intensity modulated optical lever
H. NishizawaD. KobayashiH. Kawakatsu
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Formation Mechanism of Reduced Graphene Oxide Membrane
H.H. Huang1R. Joshi2K. De Silva1M. Yoshimura1
1Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, 2School of Mat. Sci. and Eng., University of New South Wales, Australia
Local Magnetic Responses of domain wall pinning sensors used for Scanning Magneto-Resistance Microscope
A. YokotaS. TabuchiM. FujiwaraA. SubagyoK. Sueoka
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan
Li-ion Transport Phenomena at Grain Boundaries Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy Methods
S. Sasano1R. Ishikawa1I. Sugiyama2T. Higashi1T. Kimura3Y. H. Ikuhara3N. Shibata1,3Y. Ikuhara1,3
1University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 3Japan Fine Ceramics Center, Japan
Control of Electronic Property of Single DNA Molecule by Intercalation
T. HarashimaT. Nishino
Tokyo Institute of technology, Japan
Computational Simulation and Optimization of Edge-Disordered Graphene Nanoribbon FETs
K. Takashima1T. Yamamoto1,2
1Department of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 2Department of Liberal Arts, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Visualization of depletion regions in organic thin-film transistors using scanning capacitance force microscopy(SCFM)
T. YokochoK. InnamiK. KobayashiH. Yamada
Department of Electronic Science & Engineering, Kyoto-University, Japan
The effect of Self-Assembled Monolayer on surface potential of N719 over layer
K. KajimotoK. ArakiS. NishijimaM. YamadaY. OtsukaT. Matsumoto
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan
Submolecular-scale Investigations of Endohedral Metallofullerenes Using Bimodal FM-AFM and FM-KPFM at Room Temperature
T. TanakaK. KobayashiH. Yamada
Dept. of Electronic Sci. & Eng., Japan
Electronic Structure of the Thermally Fluctuating Molecule Junctions
Y. IsshikiS. FujiiM. Kiguchi
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kiguchi-Nishino lab, Japan
Charge mapping method of biological samples using scanning ion conductance microscopy with a theta nanopipette
T. Shirasawa1Y. Mizutani2T. Ushiki2F. Iwata1,3
1Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University, Japan, 3Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan
Mechanical properties of human corneocyte on gel sheet by atomic force microscopy
H. MatsuokaS. YnagiyaA. Furube
Tokushima University, Japan
2D magnetic stray field mapping with force modulation magnetic force microscopy using null method
Y. Kinoshita
Research Center for Engineering Science, Akita University, Japan
Local Characterization of a Heavy-Fermion Superconductor via sub-Kelvin Magnetic Force Microscopy
G. Kim1,2D. Wulferding1,2I. Yang1,2H. Kim1,2E.D. Bauer3F. Ronning3R. Movshovich3J. Kim1,2
1Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 2Department of physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea, 3Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CMMS, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Nanoscale architecture of monatomic layer iron nitride
T. Hattori1T. Miyamachi1S. Nakashima1K. Iwata1Y. Takahashi1Y. Takagi2T. Yokoyama2F. Komori1
1The Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Department of Materials Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Nanofishing of a single polymer chain: temperature-induced coil–globule transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) chain in water
X. LiangK. Nakajima
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
The effects of molecular conformation on 1,4-Benzenediamine single molecular conductance
Y. SugitaS. YoshidaA. TaninakaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Investigation of Conformational Effects in Single-Molecule Junction using Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Dynamic Probe Method
A. TaninakaS. YoshidaS. SugitaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
Fine processing of polymer by localized atmospheric pressure plasma jet using helium source gas mixed with reactive gas
S. Yamamoto1D. Morimatsu1A. Nakamura1A. Oginno1M. Nagatsu2F. Iwata1,3
1Graduate school of integrated science and technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2Graduate school of science and technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 3Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan
Three-dimensional nanofabrication based on electrophoretic deposition using a scanning ion conductance microscope
M. Yoshioka1F. Iwata1,2
1Graduate school of integrated science and technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2Research institute of electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan
Tribology study of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide on hydrogen terminated silicon via AFM
K. YuY. TuT. UtsunomiyaT. IchiiH. Sugimura
Kyoto University, Japan
Effects of Adhesion on the Frictional Properties of Nanostripe Structures
K. Miyake1T. Ueki2K. Ikeda2Y. Ando2
1AIST, Japan, 2Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Two-step process for disassembly mechanism of proteasome α7 homo-tetradecamer by α6 revealed by HS-AFM
T. Kozai1T. Sekiguchi2T. Satoh2H. Yagi2K. Kato2,3T. Uchihashi4
1Grad. Sch. Math. & Phys., Kanazawa Univ., Japan, 2Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya City Univ., Japan, 3Okazaki Inst. Integra. Biosci. & Inst. Mole. Sci., Japna, 4Dept. Phys., Nagoya Univ., Japan
Scanning Probe Microscope Imaging of DNA Molecules on Graphene Surface
H. TanakaM. Taniguchi
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan
Viscoelastic maps obtained by nanorheological AFM with two different driving systems
M. AraiE. UedaX. LiangM. ItoS. KangK. Nakajima
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Development of new mirror-tilter unit for tip-scanning high-speed atomic force microscopy
H. Watanabe1T. Uchihashi2S. Yamanaka1T. Ando1,3
1College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Japan, 3Bio-AFM Frontier Research Center, Japan
Toward Elucidating Structure of the Connection Between Alzheimer's Disease-Related Proteins and Its Imaging Molecules
N. NaruseY. Mera
Faculty of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan
Investigation of Local Electronic Structure of Graphene Oxide by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy
S. KatanoT. WeiT. SasajimaY. Uehara
RIEC, Tohoku University, Japan
Nanoscale Luminescence of Two-dimensional Array of Silver Nanoparticles Investigated by STM Light Emission Spectroscopy
S. KatanoM. HotsukiH. AichiY. Uehara
RIEC, Tohoku University, Japan
Development of time resolved THz-STM
S. Nagai1S. Yoshida1H. Hirori2T. Tachizaki3O. Takeuchi1H. Shigekawa1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Kyoto University, Japan, 3Tokai University, Japan
Nanoscale Evaluation of Organic Solar Cells by Light-Modulated Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
K. ShinoharaA. GomiF. OhashiS. KoshijiA. TaninakaS. YoshidaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
Faculity of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Light emission from organic thin film solar cell measured by STM-LES
A. Gomi1F. Ohashi1K. Shinohara1T. Yasuda2S. Yoshida1O. Takeuchi1H. Shigekawa1
1Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory for Energy and Environment, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
Spin Dynamics of GaAs Surface with Magnetic Adatoms Probed by Optical Pump-probe Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Z.H. Wang1,2C.H. Yoon1S. Yoshida1O. Takeuchi1H. Shigekawa1
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Doctoral Research Fellow of Japanese Society of Promotion of Science, Japan
Nano-imaging of Excess Noise in Graphene with THz Near-field Microscopy
K.-T. Lin1Q. Weng1S. Kim1K. Sugawara2T. Otsuji2S. Komiyama3Y. Kajihara1
1Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Japan, 3Department of Basic Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Scanning Probe Microscopy Observations of Intercalation Effect on Graphene-assisted Chemical Etching of Ge Surfaces in Water
S. LiK. NakadeT. HiranoK. KawaiK. Arima
Osaka University, Japan
Electrochemical FM-AFM analysis of LTO during Li+ insertion in ionic-liquid-electrolyte
Y. Takara1M. Kitta2T. Ichii1T. Utsunomiya1H. Sugimura1
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, 2Research Institute for Ubiquitous Energy Devices, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Observation of Sucrose (001) Surface by FM-AFM
Y. TedzukaT. OguraA. SasaharaH. Onishi
Kobe University, Japan
Improvement of Force Sensitivity in FM-AFM for Liquid Metal
M. MurataT. IchiiT. UtsunomiyaH. Sugimura
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University., Japan
Improvement of OPP-STM for coherent phonon measurement in Bi2Te2Se
T. KishiH. UenoZ.H. WangS. YoshidaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
University of Tsukuba, Japan.
Time evolution of morphology and electronic state of oxidized Si(110) during reduction process
M. Yano1Y. Uozumi2S. Yasuda1H. Asaoka1
1Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, 2Hitachi Power Solutions Co., Ltd., Japan
Simultaneous Measurement of Tunneling Current and Local Contact Potential Difference on Rutile TiO2(110) by AFM/KPFM
Y. J. LiQ. Z. ZhangY. AdachiH.F. WenY. NaitohY. Sugawara
Osaka University, Japan
Energy Dissipation Detected by Non-contact Atomic Force Microcopy on Si(111)-(7×7) under Bias Voltages
T. Arai1D. Kura1R. Inamura1M. Tomitori2
1Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
STM observation to double hetero junction of TMDC monolayer made by MOCVD
K. Murase1Y. Kobayashi2S. Yoshida1O. Takeuchi1Y. Miyata2H. Shigekawa1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Tokyo Metropolitan Univ, Japan
MoS2 surface affected by UV-O3 exposure
T. T. Nguyen1A. Ando2T. Komeda3
1Dep. of chem., Tohoku univ., Japan, 2IMRAM, Tohoku univ., Japan, 3AIST, Japan
Local work function measurements on H/Fe3O4(001) surface
R. Yamazaki1S. Takahashi1S. Takada1K. Omi1S. Hiura1A. Subagyo1,2K. Sueoka1
1Graduate School of IST, Hokkaido Univ, Japan, 2CRIS, Hokkaido Univ, Japan
Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Defective Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Modified by Hydrogen Plasma
R. KaiM. HaraM. Yoshimura
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
Switching of Thermoelectric Voltage and Conductance in Au Atomic Junction
A. Aiba1S. Kaneko1M. Kiguchi1F. Demir2A. Saffarzadeh2G. Kirczenow2
1Tokyo Tech, Japan, 2Simon Fraser Univ., Canada
Million-atom simulation on quantum transport in carbon nanotubes with thermal atomic vibrations
K. Ishizeki1K. Sasaoka2S. Konabe1,3S. Souma4T. Yamamoto1,3
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 2Water Frontier Science and Technology Research Center (W-FST), Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 3Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 4Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
Formation control of ZnO nanowires using various seed structures
T. IshibeT. TeradaK. WatanabeY. Nakamura
Osaka University, Japan
Epitaxial growth of FeGeγ nanocrystals on Si substrate
T. TeradaT. IshibeK. WatanabeY. Nakamura
Osaka University, Japan
Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Vertical Nanowall Structures Using Organic Embedding Medium
K. WatanabeT. MatsumotoY. MiyazakiK. MitaraiR. OkuhataY. Nakamura
Osaka Univ., Japan
Monolithic Thermoelectric Modules Fabricated on Si Substrates
K. WatanabeK. KanekoY. Nakamura
Osaka Univ., Japan
Direct Observation of Zn-Y Clusters in Mg-Zn-Y LPSO Alloy by STM
S. KurokawaK. TakeuchiT. KobayashiK. Yuge
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Localized electronic state of Re dopant in monolayer MoS2 studied by STM/STS
T. Takeuchi1S. Yoshimura2A. Ueda1S. Honda3S. Yoshida1O. Takeuchi1Y. Maniwa2Y. Miyata2H. Shigekawa1
1Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan, 3JST-CREST., Japan
Development of a Scanner for High Speed Scanning Tunneling Microscope
N. Handa1H. Yamashita1,2S. Abo1Y. Miyato1M. Abe1
1Graduate school of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan, 2PRESTO, JST, Japan
STM Emission Spectroscopy on Organic Solar Cell
F. OhashiA. GomiK. ShinoharaS. YoshidaA. TaninakaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba., Japan
Specific interactions between streptavidin and biotin investigated by contact-mode/FM-AFM
K. SugimotoH. KominamiK. KobayashiH. Yamada
Department of Electronic Science & Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Development of non-destructive local electrical conductivity measurement by using a multi-probe STM
T. BambaH. MogiI. KurodaA. TaninakaS. YoshidaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Influence of dangling bonds at the Si/Mg2Si interface on thermoelectric properties in Mg2Si sintered body
Y. SozawaS. KonabeT. Yamamoto
Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Detecting Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of WSe2 Monolayer by a Multi-probe Optical Pump-probe STM
H. Mogi1Z.H. Wang1Y. Takaguchi2T. Bamba1S. Yoshida1Y. Miyata2O. Takeuchi1H. Shigekawa1
1Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Surface potential measurement of silicon fast recovery diode under applied bias voltage using FM-AFM/KFM
T. Uruma1N. Satoh2H. Yamamoto2F. Iwata3
1Department of Optoelectronics and Nanostructure Science Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, 3Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Shizuoka University, Japan
FM-AFM investigations of Li+ ion insertion behavior on Si electrode in ionic liquid electrolyte
K. ItakuraT. IchiiT. UtsunomiyaH. Sugimura
Department of Materials Science, Kyoto University, Japan
Photo-carrier Recombination Properties in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells Investigated by Photo-assisted KFM under Various Illumination Conditions
H. Yong1T. Minemoto3T. Takahashi1,2
1Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Self-assembled multi-layer 2D Ag islands on MoS2
C.H.T. ChangH.H. ChangP.C. JiangW.B. Su
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan, ROC
Photothermal-mode AFM on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Materials
R. Komatsu1T. Minemoto2T. Takahashi1
1The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Nanoscale investigation on active layer of organic solar cells by the FM-AFM/KFM/SCFM
S. Mochizuki1N. Satoh1S. Katori2
1Grad. Sch. of Eng., Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba 275-0016., Japan, 2Depart. of Electrical and Electronic Eng., National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College, Okayama 708-0824., Japan
Nanoscale investigation of the power MOSFET by the AFM/KFM/SCFM
M. NakajimaY. UchidaN. SatohH. Yamamoto
Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

Author Index

Abe, M.S4-58Konabe, S.S4-51Sugawara, Y.S6-1
Abe, T.S8-7Konabe, S.S4-62Sugawara, Y.S9-3
Abo, S.S4-58Koshiji, S.S4-34Sugawara, Y.S10-2
Adachi, Y.S4-44Kozai, T.S4-26Sugimoto, K.S4-60
Adachi, Y.S10-2Kubo, O.S8-8Sugimura, H.S4-24
Aiba, A.S4-50Kubo, T.S8-6Sugimura, H.S4-39
Aichi, H.S4-32Kura, D.S4-45Sugimura, H.S4-41
Allain, P.E.S4-3Kuroda, I.S4-61Sugimura, H.S4-65
Allain, P.E.S6-3Kurokawa, S.S4-56Sugita, S.S4-21
Ando, A.S4-47Kurubayashi-Shigetomi, K.S1-3Sugita, Y.S4-20
Ando, A.S8-6Li, S.S4-38Sugiyama, I.S4-7
Ando, T.S4-29Li, Y.S10-2Suzuki, S.S10-4
Ando, Y.S4-25Li, Y. J.S4-44Suzuki, T.S8-5
Arafune, R.S8-5Li, Y.J.S6-1Tabata, H.S8-8
Arai, M.S4-28Li, Y.J.S9-3Tabuchi, S.S4-6
Arai, T.S4-45Liang, X.S4-19Tachizaki, T.S4-33
Araki, K.S4-11Liang, X.S4-28Takada, S.S4-48
Araki, K.S9-5Lim, R.Y.H.S1-1Takagi, Y.S4-18
Arima, K.S4-38Lin, K.-T.S4-37Takaguchi, Y.S4-63
Asaoka, H.S4-43Lin, K.-T.S9-2Takahashi, K.S5-3
Aso, Y.S9-5Liu, H.-L.S8-1Takahashi, S.S4-48
Bae, Y.S5-1Lu, S.-M.S8-1Takahashi, T.S4-66
Bamba, T.S4-61Lutz, C.S5-1Takahashi, T.S4-68
Bamba, T.S4-63Lv, X.S7-1Takahashi, Y.S4-18
Bauer, E.D.S4-17Maniwa, Y.S4-57Takara, Y.S4-39
Canova, F.S5-3Matsumoto, T.S4-11Takashima, K.S4-9
Chan, W.-Y.S8-1Matsumoto, T.S4-54Takato, H.S8-2
Chang, C.-S.S8-1Matsumoto, T.S9-5Takeuchi, K.S4-56
Chang, C.H.T.S4-67Matsuoka, H.S4-15Takeuchi, O.S4-20
Chang, H.H.S4-67Mazur, A.S1-1Takeuchi, O.S4-21
Cho, Y.S8-2Meier, T.S5-3Takeuchi, O.S4-33
Cho, Y.S8-4Mera, Y.S4-30Takeuchi, O.S4-34
Cho, Y.S8-7Meyer, E.S5-3Takeuchi, O.S4-35
Damiron, D.S4-3Minamitani, E.S8-5Takeuchi, O.S4-36
Damiron, D.S6-3Minemoto, T.S4-66Takeuchi, O.S4-42
De Silva, K.S4-5Minemoto, T.S4-68Takeuchi, O.S4-46
De silva, K.S4-2Mino, K.S4-1Takeuchi, O.S4-57
De-Silva, K.K.H.S10-4Mitarai, K.S4-54Takeuchi, O.S4-59
Demir, F.S4-50Miyake, K.S4-25Takeuchi, O.S4-61
Endo, N.S8-5Miyamachi, T.S4-18Takeuchi, O.S4-63
Endo, S.S8-8Miyata, Y.S4-46Takeuchi, O.S7-4
Foster, A.S5-3Miyata, Y.S4-57Takeuchi, T.S4-57
Frederiksen, T.S8-5Miyata, Y.S4-63Tanahashi, K.S8-2
Fujii, S.S4-13Miyato, Y.S4-58Tanaka, H.S4-27
Fujii, S.S9-4Miyazaki, Y.S4-54Tanaka, R.S1-3
Fujii, Y.S2-3Mizutani, Y.S4-14Tanaka, T.S4-12
Fujita, D.S8-9Mochizuki, S.S4-69Taniguchi, M.S4-27
Fujita, T.S8-9Mogi, H.S4-61Taninaka, A.S4-20
Fujiwara, M.S4-6Mogi, H.S4-63Taninaka, A.S4-21
Fukidome, H.S8-5Morimatsu, D.S4-22Taninaka, A.S4-34
Furube, A.S4-15Movshovich, R.S4-17Taninaka, A.S4-59
Ganser, C.S2-1Murase, K.S4-46Taninaka, A.S4-61
Gomi, A.S4-34Murata, M.S4-41Taninaka, A.S7-4
Gomi, A.S4-35Nagai, S.S4-33Tedzuka, Y.S4-40
Gomi, A.S4-59Nagase, M.S1-3Terada, T.S4-52
Gomi, A.S7-4Nagatsu, M.S4-22Terada, T.S4-53
Handa, N.S4-58Naitoh, Y.S4-44Tomitori, M.S4-45
Hara, M.S4-49Naitoh, Y.S10-2Tsukuda, M.S8-3
Harashima, T.S4-8Nakade, K.S4-38Tu, Y.S4-24
Hasui, S.S4-1Nakajima, K.S4-19Uchida, Y.S4-70
Hattori, T.S4-18Nakajima, K.S4-28Uchihashi, T.S2-1
Heinrich, A.S5-1Nakajima, M.S4-70Uchihashi, T.S4-26
Higashi, T.S4-7Nakamura, A.S4-22Uchihashi, T.S4-29
Hirano, T.S4-38Nakamura, Y.S4-52Uchihashi, T.S5-2
Hirori, H.S4-33Nakamura, Y.S4-53Ueda, A.S4-57
Hiura, S.S4-48Nakamura, Y.S4-54Ueda, E.S4-28
Honda, S.S4-57Nakamura, Y.S4-55Uehara, Y.S4-31
Hotsuki, M.S4-32Nakashima, N.S8-8Uehara, Y.S4-32
Huang, H.H.S4-5Nakashima, S.S4-18Ueki, T.S4-25
Huang, H.H.S10-4Naruse, N.S4-30Ueno, H.S4-42
Ichii, T.S4-24Nema, H.S9-2Uozumi, Y.S4-43
Ichii, T.S4-39Nguyen, T. T.S4-47Uruma, T.S4-64
Ichii, T.S4-41Nishijima, S.S4-11Ushiki, T.S4-14
Ichii, T.S4-65Nishino, T.S4-8Utsunomiya, T.S4-24
Ie, Y.S9-5Nishizawa, H.S4-3Utsunomiya, T.S4-39
Ikeda, K.S4-25Nishizawa, H.S4-4Utsunomiya, T.S4-41
Ikuhara, Y.S4-7Nishizawa, H.S6-3Utsunomiya, T.S4-65
Ikuhara, Y. H.S4-7Nozaki, K.S5-3Wang, Z.H.S4-36
Inaba, T.S4-2Ochiai, T.S7-4Wang, Z.H.S4-42
Inami, E.S10-5Oginno, A.S4-22Wang, Z.H.S4-63
Inamura, R.S4-45Ogura, T.S4-40Watanabe, H.S4-29
Innami, K.S4-10Ohashi, F.S4-34Watanabe, K.S4-52
Innami, K.S5-4Ohashi, F.S4-35Watanabe, K.S4-53
Irisawa, T.S8-6Ohashi, F.S4-59Watanabe, K.S4-54
Ishibe, T.S4-52Ohashi, F.S7-4Watanabe, K.S4-55
Ishibe, T.S4-53Ohyama, H.S9-5Watanabe, S.S2-2
Ishikawa, R.S4-7Okada, A.S4-1Watanabe, S.S8-5
Ishizeki, K.S4-51Okajima, T.S1-3Wei, T.S4-31
Isshiki, Y.S4-13Okajima, T.S2-3Wen, H.S10-2
Itakura, K.S4-65Okuhata, R.S4-54Wen, H.F.S4-44
Ito, M.S4-28Omi, K.S4-48Weng, Q.S4-37
Ito, S.S5-3Onishi, H.S4-40Willke, P.S5-1
Itoh, H.S8-9Onishi, H.S10-3Wulferding, D.S4-17
Iwata, F.S4-14Osawa, H.S6-3XUE, S.S10-3
Iwata, F.S4-22Otsuji, T.S4-37Yagi, H.S4-26
Iwata, F.S4-23Otsuka, Y.S4-11Yamada, H.S4-10
Iwata, F.S4-64Pai, W.W.S8-1Yamada, H.S4-12
Iwata, K.S4-18Pawlak, R.S5-3Yamada, H.S4-60
Jiang, K.S7-5Phark, S.S7-3Yamada, H.S5-4
Jiang, P.C.S4-67Ronning, F.S4-17Yamada, M.S4-11
Joshi, R.S4-5Saffarzadeh, A.S4-50Yamada, T. K.S10-5
KObayashi, T.S8-5Sainoo, Y.S8-5Yamagishi, Y.S8-2
Kadano, K.S4-1Saito, H.S9-3Yamagishi, Y.S8-7
Kai, R.S4-49Sakiyama, Y.S1-1Yamamoto, H.S4-64
Kajihara, Y.S4-37Sander, D.S7-3Yamamoto, H.S4-70
Kajihara, Y.S9-2Sasahara, A.S4-40Yamamoto, S.S4-22
Kajimoto, K.S4-11Sasahra, A.S10-3Yamamoto, T.S4-9
Kakikawa, K.S8-2Sasajima, T.S4-31Yamamoto, T.S4-51
Kaneko, K.S4-55Sasaki, N.S4-3Yamamoto, T.S4-62
Kaneko, S.S4-50Sasaki, N.S6-3Yamamoto, T.S8-3
Kaneko, S.S9-4Sasaki, N.S10-1Yamanaka, S.S4-29
Kang, S.S4-28Sasano, S.S4-7Yamashita, H.S4-58
Kapinos, L.E.S1-1Sasaoka, K.S4-51Yamasue, K.S8-4
Katano, S.S4-31Satoh, N.S4-64Yamazaki, R.S4-48
Katano, S.S4-32Satoh, N.S4-69Yang, I.S4-17
Katayama, M.S8-8Satoh, N.S4-70Yang, K.S5-1
Kato, K.S4-26Satoh, T.S4-26Yang, P.S7-1
Katori, S.S4-69Schäffer, T.E.S1-2Yang, P.S7-5
Kawabata, T.S4-2Sekiguchi, T.S4-26Yano, M.S4-43
Kawai, K.S4-38Shahed, S.S8-5Yasuda, S.S4-43
Kawai, S.S5-3Shibata, N.S4-7Yasuda, T.S4-35
Kawakatsu, H.S4-3Shigekawa, H.S4-20Ynagiya, S.S4-15
Kawakatsu, H.S4-4Shigekawa, H.S4-21Yokocho, T.S4-10
Kawakatsu, H.S6-3Shigekawa, H.S4-33Yokota, A.S4-6
Kiguchi, M.S4-13Shigekawa, H.S4-34Yokoyama, T.S4-18
Kiguchi, M.S4-50Shigekawa, H.S4-35Yong, H.S4-66
Kiguchi, M.S9-4Shigekawa, H.S4-36Yoon, C.H.S4-36
Kikuchi, A.S9-2Shigekawa, H.S4-42Yorimitsu, H.S10-5
Kim, G.S4-17Shigekawa, H.S4-46Yoshida, S.S4-20
Kim, H.S4-17Shigekawa, H.S4-57Yoshida, S.S4-21
Kim, J.S4-17Shigekawa, H.S4-59Yoshida, S.S4-33
Kim, J.S7-2Shigekawa, H.S4-61Yoshida, S.S4-34
Kim, S.S4-37Shigekawa, H.S4-63Yoshida, S.S4-35
Kimura, F.S9-2Shigekawa, H.S7-4Yoshida, S.S4-36
Kimura, T.S4-7Shimasaki, M.S10-5Yoshida, S.S4-42
Kinoshita, Y.S4-16Shimizu, T.S8-6Yoshida, S.S4-46
Kinoshita, Y.S9-3Shinohara, K.S4-34Yoshida, S.S4-57
Kirczenow, G.S4-50Shinohara, K.S4-35Yoshida, S.S4-59
Kishi, T.S4-42Shinohara, K.S4-59Yoshida, S.S4-61
Kitta, M.S4-39Shinohara, K.S7-4Yoshida, S.S4-63
Kobayashi, D.S4-3Shiota, M.S4-1Yoshida, S.S7-4
Kobayashi, D.S4-4Shirasawa, T.S4-14Yoshimura, M.S4-1
Kobayashi, D.S6-3Song, Y.S7-1Yoshimura, M.S4-2
Kobayashi, K.S4-10Song, Y.S7-5Yoshimura, M.S4-5
Kobayashi, K.S4-12Souma, S.S4-51Yoshimura, M.S4-49
Kobayashi, K.S4-60Sozawa, Y.S4-62Yoshimura, M.S10-4
Kobayashi, K.S5-4Spijker, P.S5-3Yoshimura, S.S4-57
Kobayashi, K.S9-1Su, W.-B.S8-1Yoshimura, S.S9-3
Kobayashi, N.S6-2Su, W.B.S4-67Yoshioka, M.S4-23
Kobayashi, T.S4-56Subagyo, A.S1-3Yu, K.S4-24
Kobayashi, Y.S4-46Subagyo, A.S4-6Yuge, K.S4-56
Komatsu, R.S4-68Subagyo, A.S4-48Zhang, Q.S10-2
Komeda, T.S4-47Sueoka, K.S1-3Zhang, Q. Z.S4-44
Komeda, T.S8-5Sueoka, K.S4-6Zhang, W.S7-1
Kominami, H.S4-60Sueoka, K.S4-48Zhang, W.S7-5
Komiyama, S.S4-37Sugawara, K.S4-37Štich, I.S6-1
Komori, F.S4-18Sugawara, Y.S4-44