ICSPM31 Program
* Click speaker's name to see detail.
Dec 07 Thu
Opening (Shigekawa & Yoshimura) (11:45-11:50)
Announce on JJAP Special Issue (Nakajima) (11:50-11:55)
Session 1 : (Miyahara & Gao)
A New Platform for Majorana Fermions by Quantum Design: Proximitized 1D Xenes
G. Le Lay
Aix-Marseille University, France
Zero-Bias Anomaly on Insulating MgO Surface Prepared on O/Fe(001)
K. Ishii1N. K. M. Nazriq1T. K. Yamada1,2
1Department of Materials Science, Chiba University, Japan, 2Molecular Chirality Research Centre, Chiba University, Japan
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy Studies of Monolayer FeTe on SrTiO3-√13⨯√13
W. Si1,2B. Yu2S. Ichinokura2T. Hirahara2
1The Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
On-surface Synthesis of Polyradical Tri-aza-[5]-triangulene and its Magnetism
D. Li1O. J. Silveira2H. Hayashi1H. Maeda3A. S. Foster2S. Kawai1,4
1Center for Basic Research on Materials, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland, 3Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, 4Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Charge state of steps on anatase TiO2(101) at 78 K by AFM/KPFM
J. Y. WeiY. SugawaraY. J. Li
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
Imaging of spin orientation in Fe chain on 5×1 - Ir(001) using non-contact atomic force microscopy
Y. AdachiA. IiyamaY. YasuiY. Sugimoto
Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of 1T-TaS2
C. J. Butler1M. Yoshida1T. Hanaguri1Y. Iwasa1,2
1Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Japan, 2Quantum-phase Electronics Center and Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Break (14:20-14:40)
Session 2 : (Araki & Ichii)
In Situ and Ex Situ STM Approaches for Molecular Scale Understanding of Electrochemical Interfaces
Y. Yokota
RIKEN, Japan
High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Imaging of HeLa Cells by Tapping-Mode Scanning Probe Electrospray Ionization
Y. Otsuka1,2K. Kabayama2,3A. Miura3K. Fukase2,3M. Toyoda1,2
1Department of Physics, Osaka University, Japan, 2Forefront Research Center, Osaka University, Japan, 3Department of Chemsitry, Osaka University, Japan
Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy for Time-Resolved Nanomechanical Mapping of Living Cells
S. Watanabe
Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University, Japan
Application of high-speed AFM to synthetic polymers and supramolecules
T. Uchihashi
1Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan, 2Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8787, Japan
Session 3 : Short presentation by exhibitors (Yoshimura)
16:25 S3-1 Quantum Design Japan Inc.
FusionScope and Nanosurf AFM
16:30 S3-2 Bruker Japan K.K. Nano Surfaces and Metrology Division
Bruker's AFM and A New High-Speed Bio AFM
16:35 S3-3 UNISOKU Co., Ltd.
Unisoku offers on-site SPM experimental services.
We have newly constructed two low-temperature SPM systems for the services.
The details about them will be shown in the presentation.
16:40 S3-4 Tomoe Engineering Co.,Ltd
16:45 S3-5 Research Institute of Biomolecule Metrology Co., Ltd.
High-speed AFM “NanoExplorer” Series
16:50 S3-6 Oxford Instruments KK
Ultra-high-performance AFM
Introduction of Shimadzu's Surface Analyzers
17:05 S3-9 NanoAndMore Japan K.K.
AFM probes from budget to research
17:10 S3-10 ScientaOmicron, Inc.
Information of our SPM and MlP
Break (18:45-18:50)
Banquet (18:50-20:20)
Dec 08 Fri
Session 5 : (Iwata & Takeuchi)
Comparison of hydration structures on organic crystal surfaces measured by FM-AFM
N. Kobayashi
The University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan
Molecular-scale 3D Imaging of Ionic Liquid/Au Interfaces with Different Ionic Liquid Cations by 3D Scanning Force Microscopy
H. Zhang1T. Ikarashi1R. Sakakibara1N. M. Fahim1T. Sumikama1,2K. Miyata1,2K. Miyazawa1S. Shimizu3Y. Iwasa4,5T. Fukuma1
1Kanazawa University, Japan, 2PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 3Toyama Prefectural University, Japan, 4Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 5RIKEN CEMS, Japan
Charge density measurement of collagen microribbons by AFM in liquids.
T. TakashimaK. Kobayashi
Kyoto University, Japan
Unrevealing the mechanism underlying 3D-AFM imaging of unsupported structures by AFM experiment and MD simulations
M. S. Alam1M. Penedo2T. Sumikama3K. Miyazawa3T. Fukuma1,3
1Division of Nano Life Sience, Japan, 2Swiss Federal Institute of technology Lausanne (EPFL),, Switzerland, 3Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Japan
Tip-enhanced sum-frequency generation based on the plasmonic field enhancement between a STM-tip and a metal substrate
A. Sakurai1,2S. Takahashi1T. Mochizuki1,2T. Sugimoto1,2
1Institute for Molecular Science, Japan, 2Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, Japan
Conference Photo (11:15-11:25)
Lunch Break (11:25-12:10)
Session 6 : (Yamada & Chen)
Rydberg-like states at the YbCl3/Graphene interface deciphered on the atomic scale
C. Gao
Fudan University, China
Epitaxial Growth of Plumbene on Pd(111)
J. Yuhara1B. He1N. Matsunami1M. Nakatake2G. Le Lay3
1Nagoya University, Japan, 2Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center, Japan, 3Aix-Marseille Université, France
Synthesis and Fabrication of hBN-RGO Thin Film for Nanoelectronics Applications
S. ChinnasamyM. HaraH. NagataH. MitsuboshiM. Yoshimura
Surface Science Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
Scanning tunneling microscopy/potentiometry on metal monolayer films formed on Si(111)
M. HazeM. HamadaY. Hasegawa
Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan
An Atomic Scale Multi-Qubit Platform
S. Phark
1Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science, Korea, 2Ewha Womans University, Korea
Break (14:15-14:35)
Session 7 : (Phark & Butler)
Roton pair density wave in a strong coupling kagome superconductor
H. ChenH.-J. Gao
Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, China
A simulation for the in-plane distribution of the surface dipole moment using DFT calculations
A. Sumiyoshi1K. Yamasue2Y. Cho2J. Nakamura1
1The University of Electro-Communications, Japan, 2Tohoku University, Japan
Cross-sectional Investigation by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy around a GaN/GaN Interface Fabricated by Surface-activated Bonding
S. Wen1K. Sawai3J. Liang3N. Shigekawa3T. Takahashi1,2
1IIS,The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 2NanoQuine, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 3Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Metropolitan Univ., Japan
Cryogenic Atomic Force Microscope Integrated in Cryogen-Free Dilution Refrigerator for Single-Electron Sensitive Electric Force Microscopy/Spectroscopy
Y. Miyahara
1Department of Physics, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas 78666, USA, USA, 2Material Science, Engineering and Commercialization Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas 78666, USA, USA
Awarding and Closing (Onishi) (16:25-16:30)
Session 4 : Poster Session (Onishi)
Dec 7 Thu 17:30-19:30
Development of Zero-Latency Amplitude Detector Towards Next-Generation Ultrafast High-Speed AFM
K. Umeda1,2K. Kamoshita3K. Tatsumi3N. Kodera1
1Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University, Japan, 2PRESTO/JST, Japan, 3School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan
Interfacial structures and phenomena of highly viscous polymeric liquid on solid surfaces investigated by atomic force microscopy
Y. NishiwakiT. IchiiT. UtsunomiyaH. Sugimura
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Nano-endoscopy AFM measurements of intracellular structures around cell-cell junctions using micro-porous membranes
D. Yashiro1M. S. Alam2K. Miyazawa1,3T. Ichikawa3S. Toda3T. Fukuma1,2,3
1Division of Frontier Engineering, Kanazawa Univ., Japan, 2Division of Nano Life Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa Univ., Japan, 3Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa Univ., Japan
Structural Characterization of Amyloid β Peptide by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with Aromatic Molecules as Landmarks
C. HaradaA. MatsuiK. FujiiA. NakanishiN. NaruseY. Mera
Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan
Practical Aspects of Elasticity Mapping of Polymer Thin Films by Bimodal Atomic Force Microscopy
K. KimuraK. Kobayashi
Kyoto University, Japan
Atomic force microscopy reveals a relationship between rheological properties of cells and cell fates in the early developmental stages
Y. Miyata1T. Kotani1Y. Tsuboyama1Y. Fujii1T. Okajima2,1
1Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0814, Japan, 2Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0814, Japan
Novel nanoendoscopy-AFM technique for the characterization of nuclear envelopes
A. S. Borowiak1S. Kundan1T. Ichikawa1E. Hirata1,2T. Shimi1Y. Kono1T. Fukuma1
1Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University, Japan
Spatiotemporal dynamics of single-cell rheology in developing embryos observed by atomic force microscopy
T. Kotani1M. Yuki1Y. Tsuboyama1M. Yokobori1T. Matsuo1Y. Fujii1T. Okajima2
1Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan
Dynamic Change of Probe Oscillation During Approaching Process in t SPESI
M. Sun1Y. Otsuka1,2M. Okada1S. Shimma3M. Toyoda1,2
1Department of Physics, Osaka University, Japan, 2Forefront Research Center, Osaka University, Japan, 3Department of Biotechnology, Osaka University, Japan
Live Cell Nanoendoscopy: Influence of AFM Measurements on Cell Proliferation and Stress Responses
H.M. Mubarak1T. Ichikawa1T. Fukuma1,2
1Devision of Nano Life Science, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Japan
A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Force Curves of Nuclear Elasticity Measurement
N.M. Fahim1K. Sivashanmugan2T. Sumikama3E. Hirata3,4T. Fukuma1,3
1Division of Nano Life Science, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Department of Medicine, University of Maryland, USA, 3Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University, Japan, 4Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University, Japan
Electrochemical AFM analysis of silver nanoparticles supported on defect-loaded HOPG as carbon dioxide reduction catalysts
K. Itakura1T. Minato2M. Hara1M. Yoshimura1
1Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, 2Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Improved image acquisition time of scanning ion conductance microscopy and dynamic observation of Listeria monocytogenes infection on Caco-2 cells
N. Fukuzawa1H. Inomata1T. Nagata2H. Kawasaki2K. Nakazawa1F. Iwata3
1Graduate school of integrated science and technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2Hamamatsu university school of medicine, Japan, 3Research institute of electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan
Growth and surface magnetism of ultrathin Cr(001) films
T. Kawagoe
Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan
Impacts of annealing on structural and magnetic properties of FeCo ordered alloy thin films fabricated using the nitrogen surfactant effect
Y. Umeda1H. Ono1K. Yamamoto3O. Ishiyama3T. Yokoyama3M. Mizuguchi1,2T. Miyamachi1,2
1Nagoya University, Japan, 2Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University, Japan, 3Department of Materials Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Co nano-islands by the formation of C70-Co organic-inorganic hybrid interface
K. Yoshida1H. Ono1Y. Umeda1K. Tsutsui1K. Yamamoto3O. Ishiyama3Y. Matsuo1T. Yokoyama3M. Mizuguchi1,2T. Miyamachi1,2
1Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 2Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Japan, 3Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Three-Axial Magnetic Force Detection Using a Thinned Prong of Quartz Turning Fork
Y. KinoshitaT. Tamura
Akita Univesity, Japan
Local strain induced structural and electronic inhomogeneity in Fe thin films on Cu(001)
T. Miyamachi1,2S. Nakashima1Y. Takagi3T. Yokoyama3F. Komori1
1ISSP, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2IMaSS, Nagoya University, Japan, 3Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Metal-molecule interaction and transport properties of an anti-aromatic molecule at the molecular level
K. Nabeyama1R. Tomida2S. Fujii1T. Nishino1H. Shinokubo2
1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2Nagoya University, Japan
Primary Processes of Photoinduced Graphite to Diaphite Phase Transition by Femtosecond Laser Excitation
E. Inami1K. Nishioka2J. Kanasaki3
1Kochi University of Technology, Japan, 2Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan, 3Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan
Giant Field-Effect Modulation of Optical Nonlinearity inside a Plasmonic Nanocavity
S. Takahashi1A. Sakurai1,2T. Mochizuki1,2T. Sugimoto1,2
1Institute for Molecular Science, Japan, 2Graduate Institute for Advanced Science, SOKENDAI, Japan
Development of half-cycle terahertz and mid-infrared pulses for Lightwave-driven STM
Y. ArashidaN. UmedaA. TakamatsuS. KayanoH. MogiS. YoshidaO. TakeuchiH. Shigekawa
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Time-resolved atomic force microscopy using delay-time modulated pump-probe method
H. Mogi1R. Wakabayashi1S. Yoshida1Y. Arashida1K. Iwaya2T. Miura2O. Takeuchi1H. Shigekawa1
1University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2UNISOKU Co., Ltd, Japan
Generation and Observation of Bias Voltage Pulses for Time-Resolved Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
O. TakeuchiR. KodaT. YoshidaH. MogiY. ArashidaS. YoshidaH. Shigekawa
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Interfacial solvation structure of ionic liquid electrolyte on a Si electrode probed by atomic force microscopy
T. IchiiK. ItakuraY. BaoT. UtsunomiyaH. Sugimura
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Development of a compact AFM for multi-probe electrochemical AFM
R. TaguchiT. IchiiT. UtsunomiyaH. Sugimura
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
Development of High-speed FM-AFM Controller for Atomic-resolution Imaging in Liquid at Video Frame Rate
S. Fujita1T. Nakagawa1M. Okamoto2K. Miyata1,2,3T. Fukuma1,2
1Division of Frontier Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University, Japan, 3PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
AFM Characterization of Ice Films Immersed in Organic Solvents
R. Yanagisawa1T. Ueda2K. Nakamoto2H. Onishi1,2T. Minato2
1School of Science, Kobe University, Japan, 2Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan
Molecular-scale Analysis of Surfactant Crystal-water Interface Structures by FM-AFM and MD Simulation
K. Miyata1,2,3,4,5H. Zhang2I. Hase3Y. Kumagai4T. Yoshino3R. Hashimoto6K. Miyazawa1,3,4T. Ikarashi2A. Morigaki6Y. M. Yaques7A. S. Foster1,7Y. Kakizawa6T. Fukuma1,2,3,4
1Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Division of Nano Life Science, Kanazawa University, Japan, 3Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kanazawa University, Japan, 4Division of Frontier Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan, 5PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 6Research and Development Headquarters, Lion Corporation, Japan, 7Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland
Structural analysis on molten Ga and Cu-Ga alloy interface by Frequency Modulation qPlus AFM
H. KataokaN. SuzukiT. IchiiT. UtsunomiyaH. Sugimura
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
The Study on Young’s Modulus of Polymer Blends Using Nano-Palpation Atomic Force Microscopy
M. HanaiM. ItoX. LiangK. Nakajima
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Near-Critical Behavior of Binary System Analyzed with Variable-Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
M. Kageshima
Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
Adhesion force measurement on nano-water droplets by peak force tapping atomic force microscopy
Y. Araki1T. Minato2T. Arai1
1Kanazawa University, Japan, 2National Institute of Natural Sciences, Japan
Evaluation of single prong stiffness of quartz turning fork for atomic force microscopy
T. Ito1M. Komatsu2Y. Kinoshita1
1Department of Cooperative Major in Sustainable Engineering, Akita University, Japan, 2Mechanical Engineering Course, Department of Systems Design Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita University, Japan
Heterodyne Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy
E. Matsuyama1H. Oigawa2J. Nakamura1T. Kondo1
1Department of Materials Sciences, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Department of Applied Physics, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Non-contact atomic force microscopy imaging of the charge density wave in 1T-TaS2
T. Ono1Y. Yasui1K. Ueno2Y. Sugimoto1
1Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Department of Chemistry, Saitama University, Japan
Structural Clarification for the Oxide Surface of Nb(110) with the Atomic Force Microscopy
Y. Yasui1K. Matsunaga2Y. Sugimoto1
1The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Nagoya University, Japan
Nanoscale Analysis of Phase Transition Chalcogenide Surface
A. Arai1S. Awazuhara1J. Kataoka1J. Sakai2M. Kuwahara3S. Katano1
1Toyo University, Japan, 2Toshima Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Japan, 3AIST, Japan
Optical pump-probe STM/AFM with an externally triggerable laser system
M. Yokota1K. Iwaya1T. Minato2H. Mogi3Y. Arashida3S. Yoshida3O. Takeuchi3H. Shigekawa3
1UNISOKU Co., Ltd., Japan, 2Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan, 3Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Defect Engineering in (Bi, Sb)2Te3: Broadening Temperature Plateau of High Thermoelectrics
Q. Shi1,2X.Y. Chen2Y.Y. Chen2X. Zhao2W.K. He2,3C.J. Zhou2,4R. Ang2
1Nagoya University, Japan, 2Sichuan University, China, 3Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, China, 4Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China
Photocatalytic Properties of GaOX/Ga Powder Prepared by Ultrasonic Dispersion Method
N. MaedaM. NagaiT. ImaiS-I. Yamamoto
Ryukoku University, Japan
Measurement of Local Density of State on Ni/β-Ga2O3(-201) Surface
G. LEEA. Okada
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
The Preliminary Investigation of Atmospheric Pressure Trifluoromethane Plasma Jet Etching of Crystalline Silicon
Y.C. SungW.L. YangC. Huang
Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Fabrication and evaluation of C60 nano whisker with small diameter less than 100 nm
T. ShibataM. HaraM. Yoshimura
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Jalan
Serch for Stanene: Ultrathin Sn Films Grown on InSb(111)A
T. YokooY. NishitaA. FleurenceY. Yamada-Takamura
School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), JAPAN
Analysis of Si atom diffusion on Si(111)-(7×7) with multiple scanning tunneling microscopy images
K. Ueda1,2Z. Diao2L. Hou2H. Yamashita2M. Abe2
1Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Japan, 2Osaka University, Japan
Dynamic Imaging and Mechanical Manipulation with High-Speed AFM
F.-Y. Chan1C. Ganser2T. Uchihashi1,2
1Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan, 2Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, Japan
Mechanical Switching of Sumanene Induced by AFM
K. Iwata1H. Sakurai2Y. Sugimoto1
1University of Tokyo, Japan, 2Osaka University, Japan
Investigating single-chain structure during the crystallization process by atomic force microscopy
D. WangX. LiangK. Nakajima
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Calcite Surface Imaging by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Humid Environment
V. FulitasariY. ArakiT. Arai
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Japan
On-Surface Synthesis of Silicon Incorporated Carbon Nanostructures
K. Sun1,2O. J. Silveira3Y. Ma1Y. Hasegawa4M. Matsumoto5S. Kera4O. Krejčí3A. S. Foster3,6S. Kawai2,7
1International Center for Young Scientists, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2Research Center for Advanced Measurement and Characterization, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 3Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland, 4Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Photo-Molecular Science, Japan, 5International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 6WPI Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University, Japan, 7Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
On-Surface Synthesis of 2D-MOF using Transition Metal Magnets
H. Ishii1S. Kanazawa1Y.K. Yamada1,2
1Department of Materials Science, Chiba University, Japan, 2Molecular Chirality Research Centre, Chiba University, Japan
B-doped fullerene: a high-performance electrocatalyst for the CO reduction reaction
A. F. Ridassepri1,2Y. Umejima1J. Nakamura1
1Department of Engineering Science, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan, 2Chemistry Department, Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Surabaya State University, Indonesia
Local Probe Isomerization in a One-Dimensional Molecular Array
S. Kawai1,2O. Silveira3L. Kurki3Z. Yuan32T. Nishiuchi4T. Kodama4K. Sun1O. Custance1L. Lado3T. Kubo4A. Foster3
1National Institute for Materials, Japan, 2University of Tsukuba, Japan, 3Aalto University, Finland, 4Osaka University, Japan
AFM observation of hydrogen substituted graphdiyne on fluorine-doped tin oxide synthesized with a Cu template method
H. YamamotoJ. ChellamuthuK. KokadoM. Yoshimura
Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
Atomic Scale Study of the Crystal Growth of NaCl Thin Film on Au(111) Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
S. Katano
Toyo Univ., Japan
Machine Learning-Assisted Analysis of Atomic-Scale Vacancies in STM Images of InP(110)-(1x1) Surface
T. TakahashiE. Inami
School of Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology., Japan
Simulation of scanning spreading resistance microscopy on AI-generated 3D models for analysis of all-solid-state batteries
Y. MaedaH. Gamo
AIST, Japan
Experiments and FEM simulations of surface potential measurements of lipid bilayers by open-loop electric potential microscopy in liquid
D. Hamasaki1K. Hirata2A. Sumino1S. Yamamoto1T. Fukuma1
1Kanazawa University, Japan, 2Nagoya University, Japan
S. HakataH. TakakiH. IshiiN. Kobayashi
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Edge-Driven Electronic Properties in Bilayer Zigzag SiC Nanoribbons: A First-Principles Study
J.A. SharifiJ. NakamuraR. Sun
The University of Electro-Communications (UEC Tokyo), Japan
First-principles electronic transport calculations of metal/semiconductor contacts
H. Takaki1N. Kobayashi1K. Hirose2
1Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Smart Energy Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Japan
Fabrication of a hydrophilic tip using atomic layer deposition for subnanometer-scale FM-AFM imaging in liquid
R. Kojima1A. Yurtsever1M. Maclachlan2K. Miyazawa1T. Fukuma1
1Kanazawa University, Japan, 2University of British Columbia, Canada
Mechanical properties of thin-film waveguide probe for low-background tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
M. Ito1L. Lang1K. Zhang2K. Kobayashi1
1Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, 2Research & Development Group, Hitachi Ltd., Japan
Development of Semi-Indirect-Illumination Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Probe
L. LANG1M. Ito1K. Zhang2M. Watanabe2K. Kobayashi1
1Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, 2Research & Development Group, Hitachi Ltd., Japan
Fabrication of plasmonic probes for tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using FIB
K. Hirosawa1K. Zhang2M. Hara1M. Yoshimura1
1Toyota Technological Institute, Japan, 2Hitachi, Ltd, Japan
Local potential distribution mapping by T-KFM for the enhancement of thermoelectric properties
Y. Komatsubara1Y. Miyato2T. Ishibe1Y. Nakamura1
1Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan, 2Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Ryukoku University, Japan
Author Index
Abe, M. | S4-46 | Kera, S. | S4-51 | Shibata, T. | S4-44 |
Adachi, Y. | S1-6 | Kimura, K. | S4-5 | Shigekawa, H. | S4-22 |
Alam, M. S. | S4-3 | Kinoshita, Y. | S4-17 | Shigekawa, H. | S4-23 |
Alam, M. S. | S5-4 | Kinoshita, Y. | S4-34 | Shigekawa, H. | S4-24 |
Ang, R. | S4-40 | Kobayashi, K. | S4-5 | Shigekawa, H. | S4-39 |
Arai, A. | S4-38 | Kobayashi, K. | S4-64 | Shigekawa, N. | S7-3 |
Arai, T. | S4-33 | Kobayashi, K. | S4-65 | Shimi, T. | S4-7 |
Arai, T. | S4-50 | Kobayashi, K. | S5-3 | Shimizu, S. | S5-2 |
Araki, Y. | S4-33 | Kobayashi, N. | S4-60 | Shimma, S. | S4-9 |
Araki, Y. | S4-50 | Kobayashi, N. | S4-62 | Shinokubo, H. | S4-19 |
Arashida, Y. | S4-22 | Kobayashi, N. | S5-1 | Si, W. | S1-3 |
Arashida, Y. | S4-23 | Koda, R. | S4-24 | Silveira, O. | S4-54 |
Arashida, Y. | S4-24 | Kodama, T. | S4-54 | Silveira, O. J. | S1-4 |
Arashida, Y. | S4-39 | Kodera, N. | S4-1 | Silveira, O. J. | S4-51 |
Awazuhara, S. | S4-38 | Kojima, R. | S4-63 | Sivashanmugan, K. | S4-11 |
Bao, Y. | S4-25 | Kokado, K. | S4-55 | Sugawara, Y. | S1-5 |
Borowiak, A. S. | S4-7 | Komatsu, M. | S4-34 | Sugimoto, T. | S4-21 |
Butler, C. J. | S1-7 | Komatsubara, Y. | S4-67 | Sugimoto, T. | S5-5 |
Chan, F.-Y. | S4-47 | Komori, F. | S4-18 | Sugimoto, Y. | S1-6 |
Chellamuthu, J. | S4-55 | Kondo, T. | S4-35 | Sugimoto, Y. | S4-36 |
Chen, H. | S7-1 | Kono, Y. | S4-7 | Sugimoto, Y. | S4-37 |
Chen, X.Y. | S4-40 | Kotani, T. | S4-6 | Sugimoto, Y. | S4-48 |
Chen, Y.Y. | S4-40 | Kotani, T. | S4-8 | Sugimura, H. | S4-2 |
Chinnasamy, S. | S6-3 | Krejčí, O. | S4-51 | Sugimura, H. | S4-25 |
Cho, Y. | S7-2 | Kubo, T. | S4-54 | Sugimura, H. | S4-26 |
Custance, O. | S4-54 | Kumagai, Y. | S4-29 | Sugimura, H. | S4-30 |
Diao, Z. | S4-46 | Kundan, S. | S4-7 | Sumikama, T. | S4-11 |
Fahim, N. M. | S5-2 | Kurki, L. | S4-54 | Sumikama, T. | S5-2 |
Fahim, N.M. | S4-11 | Kuwahara, M. | S4-38 | Sumikama, T. | S5-4 |
Fleurence, A. | S4-45 | LANG, L. | S4-65 | Sumino, A. | S4-59 |
Foster, A. | S4-54 | LEE, G. | S4-42 | Sumiyoshi, A. | S7-2 |
Foster, A. S. | S1-4 | Lado, L. | S4-54 | Sun, K. | S4-51 |
Foster, A. S. | S4-29 | Lang, L. | S4-64 | Sun, K. | S4-54 |
Foster, A. S. | S4-51 | Le Lay, G. | S1-1 | Sun, M. | S4-9 |
Fujii, K. | S4-4 | Le Lay, G. | S6-2 | Sun, R. | S4-61 |
Fujii, S. | S4-19 | Li, D. | S1-4 | Sung, Y.C. | S4-43 |
Fujii, Y. | S4-6 | Li, Y. J. | S1-5 | Suzuki, N. | S4-30 |
Fujii, Y. | S4-8 | Liang, J. | S7-3 | Taguchi, R. | S4-26 |
Fujita, S. | S4-27 | Liang, X. | S4-31 | Takagi, Y. | S4-18 |
Fukase, K. | S2-2 | Liang, X. | S4-49 | Takahashi, S. | S4-21 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-3 | Ma, Y. | S4-51 | Takahashi, S. | S5-5 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-7 | Maclachlan, M. | S4-63 | Takahashi, T. | S4-57 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-10 | Maeda, H. | S1-4 | Takahashi, T. | S7-3 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-11 | Maeda, N. | S4-41 | Takaki, H. | S4-60 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-27 | Maeda, Y. | S4-58 | Takaki, H. | S4-62 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-29 | Matsui, A. | S4-4 | Takamatsu, A. | S4-22 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-59 | Matsumoto, M. | S4-51 | Takashima, T. | S5-3 |
Fukuma, T. | S4-63 | Matsunaga, K. | S4-37 | Takeuchi, O. | S4-22 |
Fukuma, T. | S5-2 | Matsunami, N. | S6-2 | Takeuchi, O. | S4-23 |
Fukuma, T. | S5-4 | Matsuo, T. | S4-8 | Takeuchi, O. | S4-24 |
Fukuzawa, N. | S4-13 | Matsuo, Y. | S4-16 | Takeuchi, O. | S4-39 |
Fulitasari, V. | S4-50 | Matsuyama, E. | S4-35 | Tamura, T. | S4-17 |
Gamo, H. | S4-58 | Mera, Y. | S4-4 | Tatsumi, K. | S4-1 |
Ganser, C. | S4-47 | Minato, T. | S4-12 | Toda, S. | S4-3 |
Gao, C. | S6-1 | Minato, T. | S4-28 | Tomida, R. | S4-19 |
Gao, H.-J. | S7-1 | Minato, T. | S4-33 | Toyoda, M. | S2-2 |
Hakata, S. | S4-60 | Minato, T. | S4-39 | Toyoda, M. | S4-9 |
Hamada, M. | S6-4 | Mitsuboshi, H. | S6-3 | Tsuboyama, Y. | S4-6 |
Hamasaki, D. | S4-59 | Miura, A. | S2-2 | Tsuboyama, Y. | S4-8 |
Hanaguri, T. | S1-7 | Miura, T. | S4-23 | Tsutsui, K. | S4-16 |
Hanai, M. | S4-31 | Miyahara, Y. | S7-4 | Uchihashi, T. | S2-4 |
Hara, M. | S4-12 | Miyamachi, T. | S4-15 | Uchihashi, T. | S4-47 |
Hara, M. | S4-44 | Miyamachi, T. | S4-16 | Ueda, K. | S4-46 |
Hara, M. | S4-66 | Miyamachi, T. | S4-18 | Ueda, T. | S4-28 |
Hara, M. | S6-3 | Miyata, K. | S4-27 | Ueno, K. | S4-36 |
Harada, C. | S4-4 | Miyata, K. | S4-29 | Umeda, K. | S4-1 |
Hase, I. | S4-29 | Miyata, K. | S5-2 | Umeda, N. | S4-22 |
Hasegawa, Y. | S4-51 | Miyata, Y. | S4-6 | Umeda, Y. | S4-15 |
Hasegawa, Y. | S6-4 | Miyato, Y. | S4-67 | Umeda, Y. | S4-16 |
Hashimoto, R. | S4-29 | Miyazawa, K. | S4-3 | Umejima, Y. | S4-53 |
Hayashi, H. | S1-4 | Miyazawa, K. | S4-29 | Utsunomiya, T. | S4-2 |
Haze, M. | S6-4 | Miyazawa, K. | S4-63 | Utsunomiya, T. | S4-25 |
He, B. | S6-2 | Miyazawa, K. | S5-2 | Utsunomiya, T. | S4-26 |
He, W.K. | S4-40 | Miyazawa, K. | S5-4 | Utsunomiya, T. | S4-30 |
Hirahara, T. | S1-3 | Mizuguchi, M. | S4-15 | Wakabayashi, R. | S4-23 |
Hirata, E. | S4-7 | Mizuguchi, M. | S4-16 | Wang, D. | S4-49 |
Hirata, E. | S4-11 | Mochizuki, T. | S4-21 | Watanabe, M. | S4-65 |
Hirata, K. | S4-59 | Mochizuki, T. | S5-5 | Watanabe, S. | S2-3 |
Hirosawa, K. | S4-66 | Mogi, H. | S4-22 | Wei, J. Y. | S1-5 |
Hirose, K. | S4-62 | Mogi, H. | S4-23 | Wen, S. | S7-3 |
Hou, L. | S4-46 | Mogi, H. | S4-24 | Yamada, T. K. | S1-2 |
Huang, C. | S4-43 | Mogi, H. | S4-39 | Yamada, Y.K. | S4-52 |
Ichii, T. | S4-2 | Morigaki, A. | S4-29 | Yamada-Takamura, Y. | S4-45 |
Ichii, T. | S4-25 | Mubarak, H.M. | S4-10 | Yamamoto, H. | S4-55 |
Ichii, T. | S4-26 | Nabeyama, K. | S4-19 | Yamamoto, K. | S4-15 |
Ichii, T. | S4-30 | Nagai, M. | S4-41 | Yamamoto, K. | S4-16 |
Ichikawa, T. | S4-3 | Nagata, H. | S6-3 | Yamamoto, S-I. | S4-41 |
Ichikawa, T. | S4-7 | Nagata, T. | S4-13 | Yamamoto, S. | S4-59 |
Ichikawa, T. | S4-10 | Nakagawa, T. | S4-27 | Yamashita, H. | S4-46 |
Ichinokura, S. | S1-3 | Nakajima, K. | S4-31 | Yamasue, K. | S7-2 |
Iiyama, A. | S1-6 | Nakajima, K. | S4-49 | Yanagisawa, R. | S4-28 |
Ikarashi, T. | S4-29 | Nakamoto, K. | S4-28 | Yang, W.L. | S4-43 |
Ikarashi, T. | S5-2 | Nakamura, J. | S4-35 | Yaques, Y. M. | S4-29 |
Imai, T. | S4-41 | Nakamura, J. | S4-53 | Yashiro, D. | S4-3 |
Inami, E. | S4-20 | Nakamura, J. | S4-61 | Yasui, Y. | S1-6 |
Inami, E. | S4-57 | Nakamura, J. | S7-2 | Yasui, Y. | S4-36 |
Inomata, H. | S4-13 | Nakamura, Y. | S4-67 | Yasui, Y. | S4-37 |
Ishibe, T. | S4-67 | Nakanishi, A. | S4-4 | Yokobori, M. | S4-8 |
Ishii, H. | S4-52 | Nakashima, S. | S4-18 | Yokoo, T. | S4-45 |
Ishii, H. | S4-60 | Nakatake, M. | S6-2 | Yokota, M. | S4-39 |
Ishii, K. | S1-2 | Nakazawa, K. | S4-13 | Yokota, Y. | S2-1 |
Ishiyama, O. | S4-15 | Naruse, N. | S4-4 | Yokoyama, T. | S4-15 |
Ishiyama, O. | S4-16 | Nazriq, N. K. M. | S1-2 | Yokoyama, T. | S4-16 |
Itakura, K. | S4-12 | Nishino, T. | S4-19 | Yokoyama, T. | S4-18 |
Itakura, K. | S4-25 | Nishioka, K. | S4-20 | Yoshida, K. | S4-16 |
Ito, M. | S4-31 | Nishita, Y. | S4-45 | Yoshida, M. | S1-7 |
Ito, M. | S4-64 | Nishiuchi, T. | S4-54 | Yoshida, S. | S4-22 |
Ito, M. | S4-65 | Nishiwaki, Y. | S4-2 | Yoshida, S. | S4-23 |
Ito, T. | S4-34 | Oigawa, H. | S4-35 | Yoshida, S. | S4-24 |
Iwasa, Y. | S1-7 | Okada, A. | S4-42 | Yoshida, S. | S4-39 |
Iwasa, Y. | S5-2 | Okada, M. | S4-9 | Yoshida, T. | S4-24 |
Iwata, F. | S4-13 | Okajima, T. | S4-6 | Yoshimura, M. | S4-12 |
Iwata, K. | S4-48 | Okajima, T. | S4-8 | Yoshimura, M. | S4-44 |
Iwaya, K. | S4-23 | Okamoto, M. | S4-27 | Yoshimura, M. | S4-55 |
Iwaya, K. | S4-39 | Onishi, H. | S4-28 | Yoshimura, M. | S4-66 |
Kabayama, K. | S2-2 | Ono, H. | S4-15 | Yoshimura, M. | S6-3 |
Kageshima, M. | S4-32 | Ono, H. | S4-16 | Yoshino, T. | S4-29 |
Kakizawa, Y. | S4-29 | Ono, T. | S4-36 | Yu, B. | S1-3 |
Kamoshita, K. | S4-1 | Otsuka, Y. | S2-2 | Yuan3, Z. | S4-54 |
Kanasaki, J. | S4-20 | Otsuka, Y. | S4-9 | Yuhara, J. | S6-2 |
Kanazawa, S. | S4-52 | Penedo, M. | S5-4 | Yuki, M. | S4-8 |
Katano, S. | S4-38 | Phark, S. | S6-5 | Yurtsever, A. | S4-63 |
Katano, S. | S4-56 | Ridassepri, A. F. | S4-53 | Zhang, H. | S4-29 |
Kataoka, H. | S4-30 | Sakai, J. | S4-38 | Zhang, H. | S5-2 |
Kataoka, J. | S4-38 | Sakakibara, R. | S5-2 | Zhang, K. | S4-64 |
Kawagoe, T. | S4-14 | Sakurai, A. | S4-21 | Zhang, K. | S4-65 |
Kawai, S. | S1-4 | Sakurai, A. | S5-5 | Zhang, K. | S4-66 |
Kawai, S. | S4-51 | Sakurai, H. | S4-48 | Zhao, X. | S4-40 |
Kawai, S. | S4-54 | Sawai, K. | S7-3 | Zhou, C.J. | S4-40 |
Kawasaki, H. | S4-13 | Sharifi, J.A. | S4-61 | | |
Kayano, S. | S4-22 | Shi, Q. | S4-40 | | |