電気回路/HDL/SystemPerl の導入 の履歴(No.1)



SystemPerl を入れてカバレッジ測定をしてみたい

SystemPerl が入っていると、Verilator でカバレッジ測定ができるそうです。

SystemPerl の導入

Perl のモジュール管理システムである CPAN を使います。

$ cpan
 cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9402)
 Enter 'h' for help.
 cpan[1]> i /SystemPerl/
   CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20)
   Going to read '/home/osamu/.cpan/Metadata'
     Database was generated on Fri, 29 Oct 2010 09:30:12 GMT
   Distribution id = W/WS/WSNYDER/SystemPerl-1.335.tar.gz
       CPAN_USERID  WSNYDER (Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org>)
       CONTAINSMODS SystemC::Coverage SystemC::Coverage::Item SystemC::Coverage::ItemKey SystemC::Netli
   st SystemC::Netlist::AutoCover SystemC::Netlist::AutoTrace SystemC::Netlist::Cell SystemC::Netlist::
   Class SystemC::Netlist::CoverGroup SystemC::Netlist::CoverPoint SystemC::Netlist::File SystemC::Netl
   ist::Method SystemC::Netlist::Module SystemC::Netlist::Net SystemC::Netlist::Pin SystemC::Netlist::P
   ort SystemC::Parser SystemC::Template
 cpan[2]> install W/WS/WSNYDER/SystemPerl-1.335.tar.gz

   Running make for W/WS/WSNYDER/SystemPerl-1.335.tar.gz
     CPAN.pm: Going to build W/WS/WSNYDER/SystemPerl-1.335.tar.gz
   Checking if your kit is complete...
   Looks good
   Warning: prerequisite Verilog::Getopt 2.211 not found.
   Warning: prerequisite Verilog::Netlist 3.2 not found.
   Writing Makefile for SystemC::Parser
   Writing Makefile for SystemC::Netlist
   -Info: SystemC isn't in the environment, 'make test' will skip tests
   ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
   ----      WSNYDER/SystemPerl-1.335.tar.gz     ----
       Verilog::Netlist [requires]
       Verilog::Getopt [requires]
   Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue
   of modules we are processing right now? [yes] yes
   Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/5.10/i686-cygwin/perllocal.pod
     /usr/bin/make install  -- OK

 cpan[5]> q
 Lockfile removed.

$ sp_preproc

$ which sp_preproc





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