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  • News!
     "Laser-Combined STM and Related Techniques for the Analysis of Nanoparticles/Clusters" in "Smart Nanoparticles Technology”(InTech, 2012) was downloaded 4000 times.
  • News!
    Our new research achievement of Femtosecond Time-Resolved STM was presented in The Omicron NanoTechnology Newsletter, Pico.  
  • News!
    Our new research achievement of laser-combined STM was presented in Nature Photonics.    Interview ・  paper
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    Our research was presented in Physical Review Focus.  
  • Shigekawa Group
    Inst. of Applied Physics,
     University of Tsukuba
    Tsukuba, 305-8573 Japan
    TEL: +81-29-853-6469
       >> Access to our lab

Shigekawa Group.

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Shigekawa Group

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Welcome to the Shigekawa Group Home Page.

Thank you for your interest in our group.
Research in our group covers nano-scale phenomena in materials science using scanning tunneling microscopy and/or femtosecond pulsed laser.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this site, please feel free to contact us. Your questions and comments are always welcomed.

We are looking for eager, bright, and motivated students/postdocs willing to join our group. If this home page interests you, please apply.

The 21 Century COE

The 21st Century COE (Center of Excellence) Program
-Promotion of Creative Interdisciplinary Material Science for Novel Functions-

Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba was selected for the 21st Century COE Program in 2002 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) and started a Program "Promotion of Creative Interdisciplinary Material Science for Novel Functions h.

This COE Program is a new initiative of the Ministry of Education, which provides prioritized assistance for the formation of global research and education centers by introducing the principle of competition through third-party evaluation and in this way promotes the creation of internationally competitive and future-oriented universities of the highest quality in the world.

As part of this COE Program, Shigekawa Group belongs to Quantum Control and Measurement Core within the Nano-Control Division. Our mission is to promote the pursuit of new quantum effects and their applications, and the development of innovative measurement methods.


In October 2004, we launched a new project, gDevelopment of femtosecond time-resolved scanning probe microscopy for nanoscale science and technology h. This was selected as a team-research type project called gCREST (Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology) h supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

In March 2001, the Japanese Government strategically formulated the national policies for science and technology of new era, and proposed four key research fields as the national policies for the strategic promotion of science and technology, both will meet the social demands of this country in the future. In response to such science and technology policies, JST started a new basic research framework in 2002; JST widely calls for proposal applications from researchers in universities, and public and private research institutes. Supervisors, in collaboration with their Research Area Advisors, review and select the applications. JST then supports the researchers, who perform the research at their own places. CREST (team-research: called CREST type) is one of these strategic types of projects.

The research in this project is aimed at the development of new ultrafast measurement methods and manipulation techniques using two state-of-the-art tools: scanning probe microscopy and ultrashort optical pulse technology. @These combine to advance the pursuit of future nanoscale scientific research in terms of ultimate temporal and spatial resolution.

Guess what!
The name of the station building in Professor Shigekawa's hometown Kure is gCREST h!